Desperate Democrats Scramble to Walk Back Comrade Harris’ Price Control Scheme – IOTW Report

Desperate Democrats Scramble to Walk Back Comrade Harris’ Price Control Scheme

(Zero Hedge)—Facing pressure to defend the plan, Democratic lawmakers are downplaying it as a pipe dream that has no chance of passing Congress, Politico reports.

The plan, unveiled as part of Harris’ first big economic policy speech, has become a focal talking point for Donald Trump and allies, who continue to frame it as “communist price controls.” Meanwhile, food industry officials and some left-of-center economists have warned that price controls could be detrimental, according to the report. read more

7 Comments on Desperate Democrats Scramble to Walk Back Comrade Harris’ Price Control Scheme

  1. Price gouging actually takes care of itself in the medium to long term. If there is some sort of disaster, some vendors raise prices to take advantage of the situation. However, once competition comes back into play, prices return to normal.

    As is usual, the government is almost always the problem.


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