“Desperate” Hillary Attempts To Connect With Youth – IOTW Report

“Desperate” Hillary Attempts To Connect With Youth

bleach clorox drinking

NEW YORK (WNB) – In what even some Democrats are calling a desperate and ill-advised attempt to connect with the youth vote, Hillary posted her own version of Kim Kardashian’s recent nude selfie Thursday night.

“I don’t know if this was the right move,” said one Democrat Senator. “I saw this yesterday and frankly I wasn’t able to sleep last night.”   MORE

19 Comments on “Desperate” Hillary Attempts To Connect With Youth

  1. everybody now…and it helps if you clap the rhythm……”The tit fat dun lapped over the rib fat…the rib fat dun lapped over the belly fat….the belly fat dun lapped over the other belly fat…the other belly fat dun lapped over the hoo hoo fat…now here the name of the Lawd”….

  2. She walked out completely naked here in NC to prove she is a human with nothing to hide:


    Not true! The carpet don’t match the drapes!

    Ignore the source, this is a true story!

    BTW, if the Onion did a spoof story about Butterfield being a black dude, it would be more believable than reality…but I did read about that blue eyed blonde born of two Africans in Africa, so anything is possible.


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