Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is ‘Accelerating,’ Targeting ‘Other Matters’ – IOTW Report

Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is ‘Accelerating,’ Targeting ‘Other Matters’

RS: Some days ago, John Durham dropped a bombshell filing that confirmed what has been suspected for years – that Hillary Clinton used operatives to spy on Donald Trump.

More disturbing, though, was the revelation that those who were passing her information were exploiting a prior Pentagon contract to actually monitor the Executive Office of the President after Trump’s inauguration (click here for my take on why that happened). All of that was funneled through Perkins Coie, the now-infamous law firm which employed the currently indicted Michael Sussman.

Now, a new report from Fox News says that Durham’s investigation is “accelerating,” and that it is also targeting “other matters” outside of just Sussman (and Igor Danchenko). As an aside, the article offers a very in-depth, long-form breakdown of what has transpired with Durham. more here

19 Comments on Desperation Sets in After Revelation That Durham Investigation Is ‘Accelerating,’ Targeting ‘Other Matters’

  1. All part of the plan. The MSM will continue to carry Clinton water and look even more foolish by the day. Each ‘expert’ on film getting it completely wrong. What little credibility the MSM may still have will be lost forever. The brainwashed masses minds will explode. The lie of the reality they’ve been living in, exposed. Many will not do well through this process. Some may not even survive it. The snowball is gathering steam.

  2. Blah, blah, blah when I see an article about the incarceration of hildebeast and her crummy little toadies, I’ll begin to believe that there is a chance for the return of some justice . Until then, the two tiered system continues.

  3. What all these articles fail to discuss is that the corrupt trail of spying on Trump leads right to the left’s beloved Kenyan. The spying on a newly elected president Trump eminates directly from him and his cronies. Everyone is talking about crooked Shillary while the so-called bull in the china shop is the Kenyan, BHO. He, more than Shillary, destroyed the nation due to his 8 years in the WH. They are all guilty of treason IMO.

  4. Total goddamn news blackout on it too. Even the supposedly “conservative” Wall St. Journal won’t cover it, but it does do five stupid ass Ukraine stories and op-eds every goddamn day.

  5. Be patient. Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation is bringing down the Main Stream Demontiacrat Media while they try to ignore the biggest political story in modern American history. After another six months of this journalistic negligence, none of them will have more credibility than the President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton.

  6. General Malaise: The conversion of the old Democrat Party into the Dementiacrat-Socialist-Homosexualist-Open Borders-Free Stuffers Party are all part of the Big Story. The MSDM cannot come out of this reckoning with the truth unscathed. There have been a lot of stolen elections during the decades that the Dementiacrats have been robbing American, the last one was just the one that installed the worst President* in history. Millions of citizens have awakened without the benefit of a Free Press. Who needs those lying co-conspirators?

  7. Never neglect to include in this treasonous felony the ever-accommodating RINOs of the GOPe Party.

    May they spend an eternity in Hell, cleaning the toilet of John McCain and Arlen Specter with their faces.

  8. I’m telling you look at the pictures of Hillezelbub when confronted by a reporter asking her directly about the scam.

    Woman didn’t even comb her hair that day and the bags under get blurry drunk eyes tells me she is privately panicking. She knows Sussman is cutting a deal.

    Thought her political resurrection was well under way.

    Wrong yet again bitch…going straight to hell soon.

    Even Demonrats hate the Lizard Queen.


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