Despite Biden’s threats to ban ‘assault’ weapons, Americans make it clear they’re keeping their guns – IOTW Report

Despite Biden’s threats to ban ‘assault’ weapons, Americans make it clear they’re keeping their guns


During President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address last week, he made a very powerful statement, saying that assault rifles needed to be banned. 

“Ban assault weapons now,” the president said during his speech. “Ban them now. Once and for all.”

According to Vice President of the National Rifle Association (NRA) Lt. Col. Willes Lee (US Army ret.), that speech didn’t stop a lot of gun owners from coming out to participate in a gun show in Pennsylvania.

“We just had a celebration for the Second Amendment,” Willes said on the Monday edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “We just had a Great American Outdoor Show in Pennsylvania this past week. Two-hundred-thousand patriots came through the door. So if anybody thinks that folks aren’t interested in this issue, or in their freedoms, they’re sorely mistaken.” more

11 Comments on Despite Biden’s threats to ban ‘assault’ weapons, Americans make it clear they’re keeping their guns

  1. I was having breakfast with a friend and he said something very profound. He said he expected “them” to find out who has any gun/ammo/hunting license and officers would just show up at his door with a warrant. Early in the morning, a few raids here and a few in other places. They will confiscate slowly so as not to start a movement against them and eventually control us all.
    He made a very good point.

  2. tctsunami

    That’s exactly the plan. However they have a big problem. Most rural counties will tell them to piss off. Furthermore the Feds need to get the head Law Enforcement officers approval to operate in his county.

  3. @ Brad

    “Furthermore the Feds need to get the head Law Enforcement officers approval to operate in his county.”

    Approval is fine until they don’t get it. The Constitution doesn’t seem to provide any impediment to what the Feds do. I’m think they have the same respect for local LEOs.

  4. mod

    I believe you’ll find what you’re looking for in the individual states constitution. Every states slightly different but from my understanding they all include protection from the feds. The problems start when the feds start cutting off funding.

  5. “10th Amendment The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
    Just as clear as the 2nd; just as hard for politicrats to understand.

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