Despite Hillary Clinton’s previous claims, 2012 private email had classified marking – IOTW Report

Despite Hillary Clinton’s previous claims, 2012 private email had classified marking

WT: A Fox News Channel investigation appears to challenge presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s insistence that “nothing” she sent or received on a private e-mail server was classified when she was secretary of State.

Hillary Clinton, from the moment her exclusive use of personal email for government business was exposed, has claimed nothing she sent or received was marked classified at the time,” write Fox News Channel security analysts Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne, in a new report published Saturday.

“But a 2012 email released by the State Department appears to challenge that claim because it carries a classified code known as a ‘portion marking’ — and that marking was on the email when it was sent directly to Clinton’s account.”  MORE

4 Comments on Despite Hillary Clinton’s previous claims, 2012 private email had classified marking

  1. What you heard was not what she said. Marked “classified” is the same but not identical to a classified code.
    What she said and what you do think you heard are not the same thing

  2. Nowhere in The Constitution does it mean that The President of The United States can not be a convicted, nor even current, felon. So, at this point, why waste so much tax payer money just for another waving pol photo-op?

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