Despite Massive Media Promotion and Every Outlet Pushing, J6 Prime Time Hearings Fall Flat with Less Than Half Regular Audience – IOTW Report

Despite Massive Media Promotion and Every Outlet Pushing, J6 Prime Time Hearings Fall Flat with Less Than Half Regular Audience

Despite every single media outlet, broadcast and cable, promoting the J6 committee hearings which aired on every channel during prime-time viewership, the total Neilsen audience was around 20 million.  According to media tracker Joe Concha that’s about half an ordinary viewership for the regular broadcast networks.

Given the amount of attention the corporate media pushed in advance, the results are a major failure for the J6 effort.  As noted by Just The News, the ratings were “dismal.”

Tucker Carlson opened his show tonight talking about the media fiasco, and Tucker is also the only broadcast to cover the new Biden ethanol mandate

14 Comments on Despite Massive Media Promotion and Every Outlet Pushing, J6 Prime Time Hearings Fall Flat with Less Than Half Regular Audience

  1. “When in the course of human events….”

    Old Tom Jefferson was and is never more right!

    Resist we much!!!!

    This evil and illegal government must come down.

  2. Would sooner watch a bagful of wet mice than that mega-flop vaudeville circus. Pretty sure that Joe Biden’s “only 81 people” in all of the US watched the stupid thing. pity. lolol

  3. “BECAUSE every single media outlet, broadcast and cable, promoted the J6 committee hearings which aired on every channel during prime-time viewership, NO INTELLIGENT AMERICAN CONSIDERED FOR A MOMENT THAT THIS SHITSHOW HAS ANY VALIDITY.”

    A complete home FirstAid Kit includes ipecac, which induces vomiting (in case of ingestion of some poisons). Seeing Liz Cheney’s smug and increasingly nauseating face would have the same effect as ipecac, I’ll give them that.

  4. It would be funny if innocent people were not indefinitely, unconstitutionally imprisoned right now. Maybe Bennie Thompson, Peter Aguilar, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Zoe Lofgren, Elaine Luria, Stephanie Murphy, Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff are glad they’re being ignored. But that would assume these soulless monsters each have something resembling a conscience.

  5. Most watched show & a must watch show! President Trump at his finest moment, all his best moves laid out. See he worked on these moves during his time at the WWE.

  6. 330 million divided by 20 million American people equals approximately 6.06% 0f the American people actually bothered to watch the lamestream medias kangaroo court/star chamber bs Jan. 6 hearings. Which means that 93.94% of the American people have better things to do than watch a crooked democrap run sham show trial. Stalin would be proud of the idiot democraps attempt to befuddle and hornswoggle the American people to believe their bs.

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