Despite Media Gaslighting, Georgia is Doing Just Fine After Reopening – IOTW Report

Despite Media Gaslighting, Georgia is Doing Just Fine After Reopening On Saturday, Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp announced the lowest number of coronavirus hospitalizations since the state began reporting this data. He also tweeted that Saturday had the lowest amount of coronavirus patients on ventilators.

Two weeks ago, Georgia started lifting most lockdown restrictions, being one of the first states to do so, despite intense criticism from the Left and the media. read more

8 Comments on Despite Media Gaslighting, Georgia is Doing Just Fine After Reopening

  1. One only needs to get a few words in, as far as Republican Governor, to figure out that the story is going to read: Georgia is not a complete Charlie Foxtrot. Not that establishment Republicans are not investing heavily in trying to exploit the situation to their personal and political advantage at the expense of their State’s residents. But at least they are not quite so bold about it.

  2. @ Anonymous MAY 13, 2020 AT 12:10 PM

    Journalism is Dead—Long Live the Media!
    May 13, 2019 10:58 pm / Leave a Comment / Victor Davis Hanson
    Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness

    There still exists a physical media in the sense of airing current events. But it is not journalism as we once understood the disinterested reporting of the news. Journalism is now dead. The media lives on.

    Reporters today believe that their coverage serves higher agendas of social justice, identity politics, “equality,” and diversity. To the degree a news account is expanded or ignored, praised or blasted, depends on its supposed utility to the effort to fundamentally transform the country into something unlike its founding.

    At the recent third president-less White House Correspondents’ Dinner, passive-aggressive journalists whined that they were victims, standing on the barricades against the all-powerful, all-evil—and all absent—Donald Trump. If the attempt was to return professionalism to the evening and eschew the pathological celebrity obsessions of the past, the result was only more confirmation of the self-referential and narcissistic culture of the Washington press corps.

    Why should we believe reporters suddenly worried about ethics, free inquiry, and speech?

  3. I call it the Gaslight Flu
    This entire lockdown thing is a social control experiment.
    It has done several things.
    Shown us who the tyrants are
    Told the powers that be that Americans will comply willingly, to a point.
    Unmasked the Left’s craven power schemes
    Shown that we are being more and more controlled by unelected bureaucrats

  4. Except that we aren’t as “open” as it is made out to be. The “administrative state” has a strong grip on everything and not many restaurants or shops are actually open. Most businesses can’t follow all of the onerous “regulations” that aren’t actually laws, but they are afraid of having their licenses revoked.

  5. @JDHasty Except I live here and I am telling you it’s not true. Lots of people are out and about, but most shops and restaurants are still shuttered. Some surgeries are allowed. For example, you can have a colonoscopy, but NOT an endoscopy. And both parents can’t go back with a child to pre-op. In fact, the other parent isn’t even allowed in the waiting room. Weird, nonsensical stuff.


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