Despite sexual assault allegation, Obama will endorse Biden – IOTW Report

Despite sexual assault allegation, Obama will endorse Biden

Patriot Retort: Okay, I know.  That headline isn’t typical for me.  The typical Dianny headline would be “Dirty Digit Joe finally receives coveted Obama endorsement.”

But I thought I’d try my hand at coming up with a headline fit for the New York Times.  How’d I do?

Ironic how Barack Obama timed his endorsement of Joey Fingers for after the corporate news media finally acknowledged the existence of the sexual assault allegation against the befuddled old man.

Timing, as they say, is everything.

And I have no doubt the timing was on purpose.

This way, if some rogue journalist totally forgets himself and actually asks Obama about this sexual assault allegation, Barack can say what he always says: “I heard about this the same way as you, when the New York Times thoroughly investigated it and found it was without merit.”

Though, given how reporters are with Obama, I doubt any of them would dare to even bring it up. more

17 Comments on Despite sexual assault allegation, Obama will endorse Biden

  1. It really doesn’t make much difference who endorses who or who wins what.

    Things will continue in the direction they have been going for the last 40 years, the same way they are now.

    The only difference will be that some of them may do a better job of convincing most of the people they are not still going the same way they were than others, but the direction will still be the same.

  2. Very Former President Baracky Osmidgen has finally endorsed Dementia Joe Obiden Bama to lead the Democrat-Socialist-Reparations-Homosexualists-No Borders-Free Stuffers Party as they surge forward to depose the Great Usurper, President Donald J. Trump. Happy Gays are here again! This guarantees that Obammy will have a big hand in selecting Obiden Bama’s inevitable replacement, who will most likely be a colored woman. It is all coming together according to the Master Plan.

  3. Gee, an old empty suit of a boss is going endorse the only empty suit in the race…now? His Old old VP, no less!

    And these mofo liberals and leftists cannot see how PHONY that POS is.

    When you have no real conviction(s) to begin with, and you are a controlled sock puppet like Obama was, what can one expect?

  4. Obama is a fraud. A complete fraud. And a traitor. And a corrupt traitor.

    Same goes for biden. That’s why obama’s handlers picked biden for VP: who else would go along with fraud and treason upon the nation for 8 years but biden?

  5. Two things:
    1) Obutt-hole courageously leads from behind by endorsing Biden after no one else remains. /sarc
    2) I said from the start that Obutt-hole choosing Biden as his VP was proof he was incompetent and unfit for office. His very late endorsement shows that even he recognizes Biden is a brain-dead corrupt loser.


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