Details Of Sexual Assault In Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Come To Light – IOTW Report

Details Of Sexual Assault In Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Come To Light

Blue State Conservative: “Disturbing accounts of women being sexually assaulted and harassed in the metaverse are racking up, according to online watchdogs.” So says the New York Post in a recent revelatory article detailing the lurid experiences of Metaverse (i.e. virtual reality) users.

According to the Post, encounters that are unwanted and/or overtly sexual in nature are far from uncommon. From the sounds of it, the virtual world that Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab, and all of the other megalomaniacal global tyrants want to plug us into is nothing short of a pretend hellscape.

On one hand, it’s kind of hilarious, because users opt in to a completely fake world and OF COURSE it’s being abused, but on the other hand it’s disturbing that the desired trappings of globalists is replete with would-be horrific episodes of terror and assault.  more

11 Comments on Details Of Sexual Assault In Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Come To Light

  1. You’ve got a bunch of incel computer geeks who have anonymity and perverted hearts. Of course they are going to do what they wish they could do in real life.

  2. I suppose I can pretend to give a shit. Not!

    This is virtue signalers ultimate. Phony baloney attention seekers pretending to be victims and fake empathizers pretending to give a shit. It is the epitome of what progressivism is all about.

  3. This is 21st century “sexual assault”. Since being beaten, and passed around a gang of “asians”, is the same as having your South Park quality cartoon character leered at by a South Park quality cartoon character… I don’t care how many “asians” there were.


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