Detransitioner Sues Medical Team Who Approved Testosterone, Double Mastectomy – IOTW Report

Detransitioner Sues Medical Team Who Approved Testosterone, Double Mastectomy


A North Carolina woman filed a lawsuit in Gaston County superior court on Monday against the medical team who prescribed her testosterone while she was a minor and surgically removed her breasts when she turned 18, the Daily Mail reported.

Prisha Mosely, 25, is suing the surgeon, counselor, and other providers who assisted in giving her life-altering “gender-affirming” care while she was under the impression she was a male.

Mosley was diagnosed with a gender identity crisis and then prescribed testosterone shots after an 80-minute session with a doctor in January 2015. Then, a counselor told her in July 2015 that “changing her body to look more like a boy’s body would solve her many psychological and mental health problems,” according to the lawsuit

The counselor wrote a “boilerplate form letter that was riddled with inaccuracies and misrepresentations” that said the then-17-year-old Mosely was ready to begin sex hormone treatment. more

13 Comments on Detransitioner Sues Medical Team Who Approved Testosterone, Double Mastectomy

  1. What ever happened to the Hippocratic Oath. The guy meets with her for 40 minutes and decides those tits need to come off. A 17 YEAR OLD. Really. These people need to be prevented from practicing any type of medicine.

  2. At sixteen a driver makes life-altering decisions every time they drive. If someone is hurt or killed from one of those decisions, the driver is held accountable. Why shouldn’t Miss Thang be held accountable for her own decisions for life-altering “injuries”? She’s got nobody to blame but herself and maybe her parents.

  3. The doctor counseled her for 80 minutes. Maybe he spent those 80 minutes convincing her that she needed surgery. Maybe he honestly laid out the pros and cons of her situation. Or maybe he spent so much time trying to dissuade her. IDK. But he is between a rock and a hard place. He’s going to be sued for refusing or for doing it.

  4. “while she was under the impression she was a male.”

    Honey, when they get you onto the stand, you will appear as the most ignorant person on earth. Beginning with the question, what is a male, what makes a male, and how does a male feel? Do you have a birth penis, with a set of nuts? Knowing that it’s biologically impossible to make a female a male and vice versa, what was your mental state when making decisions about altering your body? I( see her killing herself when all is said and done. The medical profession will win, there’s too much at stake to shut it down.

  5. Sorry, were I the Judge I’d toss this case. You can join the military all on your own at 18. You can vote.
    She agreed to have her tits amputated.
    She got what she asked them to do.
    Live with your decisions.

  6. You trust your Docs to give you sound advice. When that’s not the case you should be able to have your day in court. No matter your age.
    On the flip side of the coin, they’ve tried to pass legislation several times that would make it really tough for older guys to receive TRT. They must just really hate male toxicity. Or maybe their afraid some one will rise up and kick their asses. I dunno. I think they want us all looking like the zombies in SF.

  7. stupid her, in the first place
    any financial settlement that may come about, should come out of the medical practioner’s personal pockets, and not insurance company coffers. This will drive up insurance premiums and not deter this being done at all. It will just be another ‘cost of doing business’

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