Detroit city worker blows whistle, claims ballots were ordered backdated, FBI probing – IOTW Report

Detroit city worker blows whistle, claims ballots were ordered backdated, FBI probing

Just The News:

The FBI is investigating allegations of election fraud in Detroit after a city worker stepped forward and claimed election workers were asked to backdate ballots that had come in after the election deadline had passed, multiple officials said.

A senior law enforcement official in Washington confirmed that an investigation was opened after the whistleblower’s concerns were forwarded from the Michigan Republican Party. “The FBI is investigating,” the official said.

GOP officials in Michigan said the whistleblower was identified and assisted by Phill Kline, the head of the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project, which has been litigating voting disputes and irregularities across the country for months. 

Kline declined comment.

But Michigan GOP chairwoman Laura Cox confirmed Friday afternoon the here party referred a whistleblower to the FBI and U.S. attorney in Detroit. read more

17 Comments on Detroit city worker blows whistle, claims ballots were ordered backdated, FBI probing

  1. “This directive allegedly came from both City and State employees who were working at the TCF center.”

    Names, please. These folks are on the public payroll. Their names, departments and everything else about their public life is OUR PROPERTY. They work for US.

  2. The FBI impresses me as where credible cases of corruption are sent to be laundered. Just going on my observations regarding how these cases have played out. I suppose it beats the hell out of just coming out and admitting that they park them over there to allow enough time to pass to get them off the front page while they figure out how to exonerate the guilty.

  3. Well, as long as we have the Comey-Wray troupe of fidelity, bravery, integrity, honesty, honor, and diligence on the case we can rest easy. I’d only feel better if a totally unbiased Peter Strzok was in charge of the investigation with Lisa Page in charge of semen gargling and cum belching.

  4. 320 million Americans
    How many are over 18?
    How many are actually citizens who are eligible to vote and registered to vote?
    How many are prison or felons not eligible to vote?
    How many in mental institutions ?
    How many are homeless with no known address?
    We supposedly have around 145 million votes cast. Seems awfully high percentage of the total 320 millions total population.
    How many voted only for Biden with no down ballot votes?
    I can believe the 70+ million votes for our President, but no way did 74+ million vote for Biden.
    Remove all ballots with only Biden checked and no down votes,
    In states with the glitchy vote switching machines, fix glitches and recount.

  5. “In states with the glitchy vote switching machines, fix glitches and recount.”

    …except they’re not glitches. They are deliberate lies the systems were programmed to make. Computers can lie with a completely straight face because they simply do what they’re told…and people believe them.

    …just to give one example, we had a machine that had a design issue from the OEM that wouldn’t allow a particular conveyor to run above 80% because it would jam downstream assets that had physical limitations that prevented full speed operation. Output was at target, but there was this one display that said 80%, and I had limited it in the PLC to allowing no higher input.

    …well, they got someone’s college boy nephew who was gonna set the world on fire, and he was gonna start by pushing everything to 100% because that’s what idiots do, regardless of if it makes sense or not. I tried to treat him like a sentient human being at first and explain it was fine as it was and wouldn’t be fine if we did his thing, but he wasn’t about to listen to a grunt like me and insisted.

    So I made it so the DISPLAY would go to 100%, but the output stayed at 80.

    Didn’t tell him that last part.

    …so, nothing changed except I made a computer lie to him, and he was all up on how much faster and better everything ran even though in reality, NOTHING ACTUALLY CHANGED.

    But a computer display TOLD him it did, so he believed it without question.

    …I could give many, many other examples, but suffice to say that people are predisposed to think “computers can’t lie”, which is TECHNICALLY correct, they DON’T lie of themselves, but the PROGRAMMER can make it lie more than a woman at a Supreme Court confirmation hearing, and unless you’re a complete geek and know where to look in the source code, you’ll never know the difference…

  6. I’m sorry, the FBI is investigating? Who is investigating the FBI?! The FBI is one of the most politically compromised and corrupt bureaus in the federal government. Our country is broken, The idea that we have representation for our taxation is an all time low. No one, left or right believes that our electoral system functions properly. Politicians in Washington DC corruptly enrich themselves at taxpayers expense. They are corrupt criminals. They are doing to us what they did to Venezuela.

    It is time to abolish our government.

  7. …the FBI investigation:

    Democrat agent is in a room with Democrat Election Official (DEO). There is a tape recorder between them and no observers.

    DFBI – This is being recorded. Did you back date any ballots? (Points to tape recorder, shakes head “NO”.

    DEO – No,I did not.

    DFBI – Are you absolutey SURE you didn’t change any dates? (Nods head “YES”)

    DEO – Yes, I am sure I did not change any dates.

    DFBI – (to tape recorder) “We find no issues with the vote in Detroit and thank the DEO for his candor and forthrightness. We find the whustleblower’s allegations are baseless and will be referring for prosecution. This concludes this investigation.”

    (Clicks tape recorder OFF)

    …now that we’ve got that out of the way, how about some lunch? I’m buying…

    DEO – Sure. Hey, if you’re on a taxpayer expense account, I know a GREAT high-end steak place we go to all the time…

    DFBI – But putting this on the tab for the People of the United States is WRONG. (Stares at DEO for a moment, then both of them bust out laughing)

    DEO – you almost had me going for a minute there, good one!

    DFBI – yeah, I can never keep the deadpan on stuff like that. Hey, make sure you bring a copy of the job application for the whistle-blower with you, willya? AOC’s building a list for the Truth and Reconciliation Committee, and I think this guy and his family needs to be in it for, you know, later…

    DEO – Sure thing. Hey, I also listed everyone who VOTED for Trump in my district, want that too?

    DFBI – ABSOLUTELY! But I think you’re gonna lose a few taxpayers before I’m done with it…


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