Detroit Father of Four Shoots and Kills Intruder Who Was Choking His Dog – IOTW Report

Detroit Father of Four Shoots and Kills Intruder Who Was Choking His Dog

Guns Save Lives

An immigrant father of four in Detroit, Michigan used deadly force to defend himself, his home and his family early on Monday morning.

According to local media reports, the father woke up to find an intruder in his backyard choking and attacking his dog.

When the suspect noticed the father, he approached the home. That’s when the father grabbed a gun and opened fire before the suspect could get to the home.  read more


12 Comments on Detroit Father of Four Shoots and Kills Intruder Who Was Choking His Dog

  1. Carter, While I don’t agree with your sentiment on Boston Terriers, I had the best laugh with your post.

    Stoobie, I do believe you are right. On the nose.

    MJA, Exactly. That was a nightmare about to begin. One step too far for the bad guy.

    Glad Dad was ready.

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