Detroit recount observer: Box marked ‘306’ ballots — only had 50 inside – IOTW Report

Detroit recount observer: Box marked ‘306’ ballots — only had 50 inside

AM: Is it possible Jill Stein’s recount will actually catch big city Democrat Machine vote fraud?

Check out this first-hand account from an observer who said he was watching the recount in downtown Detroit.

Conservative activist Ken Crider wrote on Facebook:

Penny Crider and I just got back from helping watch the recount at Cobo Hall in Detroit. On Nov. 8th (election day) the election officials at 8:00 pm shut down the polls. They then reconciled the differences from the machine count and the voter count on the computer. At this point a Metal tag/seal with a serial number is put on the box and the box was taken away.

Penny’s precinct, Detroit Precinct #152 had an unbroken seal and everything looked proper. The tag on the box said 306 and the book said 306 and the ticket said 306, so there should be 306 paper ballots on the box, right. Well when they pulled out the ballots the stack seemed short and when they finished separating the two page ballot to count the Presidential page only guess how many ballots were in the box? 304 no, 299 nope, 200 nada, how about 100 wrong again. There were only exactly 50 paper ballots in a locked sealed box that again was supposed to have 306.  read more

21 Comments on Detroit recount observer: Box marked ‘306’ ballots — only had 50 inside

  1. Really? In Detroit? Said nobody

    Probably why Clinton didn’t challenge the election right away. The deep blue states that flipped are likely rife with election fraud in her favor, get the popcorn.

  2. A friend was a poll watcher several years ago and was at a predominately black neighborhood polling station for the 2012 election.

    She watched some boxes being taken into a private room without any protocols in place to assure no tampering – ie the boxes were not sealed or accounted for in any way.

    When she confronted them, it was on. They did every thing they could to drive her away. Wondering why she is there and not someplace where she resided. There is some stupid rule about recording everything being forbidden. So it was he-said she-said and nothing could be done.

    IMO – Dismiss ALL previous workers of poll stations and forbid any influence from previous workers. IOW do what you can to cut the info on how to cheat. You know they have been at it so long without getting caught that they push it to ridiculous measures. The word blatant comes to mind, It’s habit, “It’s just the way we do it” now and that info line needs to be severed.

    Some how some way an honest vote and count system must be had.

  3. “The poll workers and vote counters who signed off on this should be in jail.”

    Awaiting execution.

    /death by hanging

    You could put a serious dent in the national debt by auctioning off positions in the firing squads for the lot of them.

  4. “Re-count the ballots in the box.” – Nunya Bidness

    Which 306 votes do you throw away? Does the box record all the ways those 306 ballots went? Doubt it.

    Bottom line: You can’t throw away a random or picked 306 votes that you can’t prove a thing about. Which 306 are tossed? None.

    So nothing happens except the experience that we know something is afoot there fraud-wise.

    How do we fix that in a no-shit way?

  5. @Dadof4

    firing squads & pay off the debt? Okay.

    And like your idea. Think it should be applied to most gov (state and fed) jobs.

    “IMO – Dismiss ALL previous workers of poll stations and forbid any influence from previous workers. IOW do what you can to cut the info on how to cheat. You know they have been at it so long without getting caught that they push it to ridiculous measures. The word blatant comes to mind, It’s habit, “It’s just the way we do it” now and that info line needs to be severed.”

  6. The governor and the secretary of state in Michigan are both Republicans. Can’t they ask the AG for an investigation into possible voter fraud? It sure seems like there’s plenty of probably cause.

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