Detroit Woman Drags Suspected Car Thief Out Of Barbershop By His Dreads – IOTW Report

Detroit Woman Drags Suspected Car Thief Out Of Barbershop By His Dreads

Detroit woman took the law into her own hands after her Mercedes Benz was stolen. Bianca Chambers had located her stolen car several times and called the police, but by the time they arrived, the suspect had driven away.

24 Comments on Detroit Woman Drags Suspected Car Thief Out Of Barbershop By His Dreads

  1. …if his momma had done this a few times when he was young, a stranger he stole a car from wouldn’t have to be doing it NOW, just sayin’…

  2. Brad
    JULY 17, 2021 AT 7:14 PM
    ““What was a guy with dreads doing in a barber shop?”

    Buying drugs. Duh. LOL”

    …yup. I had 6 Black “barber shops” in a 4 block radius from my old house, and it was the same guys with the same do rags at each of them every day, and I don’t think I ever actually saw anyone getting, you know, a haircut …

  3. I’m kind of naive sometimes. It never would have occurred to me that barbershops are notorious drug hotspots. I guess the cute young lady that has cut my hair for the last 20 years isn’t a big time dealer.

  4. joe6pak
    JULY 17, 2021 AT 8:38 PM
    “I’m kind of naive sometimes. It never would have occurred to me that barbershops are notorious drug hotspots.”

    …that’s nothing. In the same neighborhood as the Black barbershop there were 2 funeral homes run by the same people, who also owned one of the barbershops. The guy had segregated operations, he used the one closest to the highway for “White” funerals, and used the one nearest “downtown” for his Black funerals.

    Anyway, we learned a bit about it from a Black family friend who we used to train in Tae Kwon Do with who went on to become a mortician, because she interned with the folks who ran the funeral home as a mostly family business but didn’t guard what they said around her because she was Black, so she found out about stuff like the way they’d run drugs in hearse (the garage back door was open 24/7 and about 2 blocks up from my backyard on the same alley, and one of the reasons I had to carry a gun to set the garbage out in the back alley), and the guy would have Joe Pedo Biden type meetings (without, as far as I know, the incest and the pedophilia) in the funerary office with his dealers and get his percent and give them territories. She tried to get some stuff to the cops on the down low but they were, to put it politely, “uninterested” (although in fairness they were just as “uninterested” in the shenanigans at the Italian owned bar behind me run by an actual mafiosi who owned racehorses and everything who was really a pretty nice guy when he wasn’t breaking legs or abandoning his illegitimate children who lived 4 houses down from us, he had a limo service and drove my family to the airport personally once because I was nice to him one time when he left his ledger on the roof of his car and I stopped him to give it to him, but that’s another story).

    Anyway, she got disgusted with the whole thing and left, well because of that, and because they wouldn’t give her a lot of help handling the dead bodies she prepped for when they ACTUALLY did funerals and got trapped under a 300 pounder when she tipped him the wrong way on the prep table, but mostly about the drugs.

    They painted gang signs a few times in the alley behind my house too, and constantly destroyed the street light bulb so they could sell their drugs on the corner in the peace of darkness, but some Italian gentlemen put a stop to THAT, so I guess “Gangster” took precedence over “Gangsta”, at least in that place and time, so there’s that. The Black barbershop next to the bat behind my house had its door open all night 2, reason #2 I carried to take the trash out, but as long as you didn’t look too hard or too long at what went on in the hastily parked cars, they just did their business and left you alone.

    I don’t get how there’s THAT big a market for drugs, and at times it seemed like they must be selling them back and forth to each other, but the more Section 8 they bussed up my way, the longer the Black “barbershops” stayed open, so I guess they were trading on fresh imports displaced for “big” city gentrification to keep building and growing.

    I could get into a lot more, like the Black bar nearby that operated breifly and so badly that they shut the place down to stop nightly, poorly aimed gun battles that they raized to the ground so it couldn’t come back, or the way the African businesses wouldn’t have anything to do with the drug trade which may be why they murded the guy selling T-shirts on Main Street and then running through my side yard and dropping a hat so I came home to part of my house cordoned off by police tape, but those ate different subjects for another day…

  5. SNS, does not sound like fun. Being in a rural environment has its advantages. I remember one time a few years ago a guy fired off a warning shot a few hundred yards from us, but it turns out he wasn’t sure it was because of an animal or a potential perp. I expect it will get worse from here.

  6. Unclle Al, Joe6.
    I’m an X Pert at all things nefarious in the hood. I’ve watched every episode of Starsky and Hutch. Twice. Not to mention Peter Gun and Dragnet.

  7. joe6pak
    JULY 17, 2021 AT 9:30 PM
    “SNS, does not sound like fun.”

    …nope, that’s why I finally called it quits and sold my home of 25+ years and County of 50+ years to go out to the hills in the sticks, where my backyard neighbors are now deer and foxes, and the only thing that runs through my side yard is the occasional rabbit until the fox gets it, and the gunfire is from deer hunters and not droopy pants sideways gun holding gold toofs. I hated to cede the ground to them but when the whole city goes bad around you, it’s that or wait till they burn your house down with your family in it once Democrats push us fully over the edge, and since it was NOTHING like the neighborhood I moved into a quarter century ago, there wasn’t really much I could do but make a fool’s stand there, or go to defensible ground elsewhere, so here stand I…

  8. Brad, what about the Mod Squad? That has been a good reference on the state of our culture going back years. Peggy Lipton and Clarence Williams III. I don’t remember the other guy, Paul something or other.

  9. My old barber shop was like something out of Mayberry. The barber was George Jones’s first cousin. He was always eating fried chicken when I arrived and I’d have to wait till he was finished.

  10. Give it couple of days, they would accuse her of not being a real black person, and possibly they would go after her, instead of going after the criminal.


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