‘Devastated’ Bernie Supporters Melt Down on Twitter After He Drops Out: ‘Please Check on Them’ – IOTW Report

‘Devastated’ Bernie Supporters Melt Down on Twitter After He Drops Out: ‘Please Check on Them’

In the wake of Bernie Sanders’ announcement that he has suspended his 2020 presidential campaign, the Vermont senator’s most ardent supporters poured out their emotions on social media.

Sanders, the front-runner in February, acknowledged on Wednesday he no longer had a viable path to the Democratic nomination after a string of nominating contest losses to Joe Biden but promised to work with the former vice president to oust President Donald Trump.

“Then together, standing united, we will go forward to defeat Donald Trump, the most dangerous president in modern American history,” he said in a livestreamed speech to supporters from his hometown of Burlington, Vermont.

The 78-year-old senator, whose progressive agenda pulled the party sharply to the left, had early success in the Democratic race before losing in South Carolina in late February as moderate Democrats united behind Biden.

With their dreams of seeing Sanders in the White House shattered, some of the democratic socialist’s most passionate followers on Wednesday vowed not to rally behind the presumptive nominee.

And even more took to Twitter to vent their feelings of betrayal, anguish and confusion. watch

24 Comments on ‘Devastated’ Bernie Supporters Melt Down on Twitter After He Drops Out: ‘Please Check on Them’

  1. That…that is not the same chick. Can’t be.

    Then again, on the left she does resemble a young… what’s the name of that Hollywood hypocrite bint what’s been in the news the past week? Yeah, kinda looks like her back when in her prime.

  2. “Then together, standing united, we will go forward to defeat Donald Trump, the most dangerous president to evil, America hating, Marxist, globalist billionaires and millionaires like myself in modern American history,”

    There, fixed it for you, Bernie.

  3. All those millions and millions in campaign funds that Bernie the Socialist has amassed and guess what? He gets to keep it all! That’s why he dropped out. If he stayed in he would have to spend all that cold hard cashed he scammed out of his idiot followers.

    What a scumbag.

  4. At the beginning that girl was kinda cute but stupid.
    Now she’s ugly and stupid.
    I wonder if she is smart enough to use the PTT button on the drive thru at Burger Wopper King.

  5. Shaved head.
    Gaping maw.
    Worships BS.
    Probably doesn’t know the history of socialism/nihilism/communism/nazi-ism.
    Nothing better to do than put its photo on public media.

    Another “Useful Idiot.”
    (Lenin’s phrase)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Ain’t you mush mouthed retards qualified as ‘adults’?
    And You all behave like that?
    If I were your boss I’d fire you for being an over emotional idiot who could hurt someone in an outburst, and thus are a bad insurance risk to have on a work site.
    If I were your parents I’d have you committed for evaluation, and drag you out of whatever Liberal Puke college you were going to and enroll your ass in a Military School.
    If I were your Dutch Uncle I’d strap the lot of you for acting like six year old’s.
    If I were Emperor you would decorate the city walls

  7. Hey! @ anonymous….. I shave mine when the barber isn’t available….
    This poor little thing appears to have put on twenty pounds between photos as well. Too bad,she was pretty fetching in the first (left hand) image.
    WTF is it with these insainiacs posting tantrums on social media? Is it that too many parents have failed to teach their children about “adulting”. Whew! as exhausting as it is, being an adult is important.
    My children do not act as though they have any political views…. but WE know that is not true.
    I love them all but cannot change the things and paths they’ve chosen.


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