Devin Nunes: It’s a good thing we’re not seeing leaks from Durham’s probe – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes: It’s a good thing we’re not seeing leaks from Durham’s probe

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., talks to FOX Business’ Lou Dobbs about Attorney General William Barr saying there could be more charges from John Durham’s probe

Lou Dobbs is ‘absolutely skeptical’ it will happen.
I don’t blame him.

10 Comments on Devin Nunes: It’s a good thing we’re not seeing leaks from Durham’s probe

  1. Something Nunes doesn’t know, Durham and crew are actually competing in the International beer-pong challenge held in Schnitzelgruben Germany next month. All those months in the DOJ basement have really paid off. Investigations, Law & Order in America for the deep state elite, you a funny guy Devin..

  2. F*ck Bill Barr. We don’t need to be focusing on him anymore. It’s too late in the election game for him to to do anything. We just need to focus on getting DJT re-elected – it is IMPERATIVE that he be re-elected.

    Trump knows everything, and more, about the criminal activities of the deep state and the MIC. Once inaugurated in January, he will absolutely clean house.

  3. More charges?? Have their been any charges thus far? I only recall hearing rumors of charges, but no actual charges.

    However, I must admit most news of events around the country has been so fubar recently. I mostly skip watching the news.

    Preferring instant gratification. I watch ID channel or similar. A crime is discovered, the bad guys are identified, arrested, found guilty, and sentenced to long prison terms. All within 60 minutes.

    However, I skip the episodes wherein someone disappears, and what happened to them is never solved. Those episodes are too much like the investigations of wrong doing by anyone connected to the federal government. Nothing happens except talk. No charges, no convictions, no prison time.

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