Devin Nunes: ‘Process of discovery’ in Roger Stone case will be ‘fascinating’ – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes: ‘Process of discovery’ in Roger Stone case will be ‘fascinating’

WaEx: Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation team is scraping “the bottom of the barrel” by indicting longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone while also predicting that the “process of discovery” in the case will be a “fascinating” one.

Last week a grand jury indicted Stone on seven counts of lying to Congress, witness tampering, and obstructing a congressional inquiry — stemming from his interview with the House Intelligence Committee in September 2017 as part of its investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Stone has said he will plead not guilty and while he has indicated a willingness to cooperate with Mueller, claims he will not testify against President Trump.

During an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Nunes said Mueller’s prosecutors were “embarrassed” to seek help from GOP investigators who already determined there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“I think the Mueller investigation is really at the bottom of the barrel when they’re looking at people like this because we already found in our report that Roger Stone wasn’t colluding with the Russians, which that was the original intent of all this, remember?” Nunes told host Maria Bartiromo.  more here

9 Comments on Devin Nunes: ‘Process of discovery’ in Roger Stone case will be ‘fascinating’

  1. It’s time for “Washington 20427”, the tv show. We’ll just rename C-SPAN to that, hire a producer and show runner, and this bitch can air 24/7. It’ll cover all the investigations, hissy fits in both Houses, Trump’s tweets can scroll arcoss the bottom, it’ll be Yuge!

    The production can have its own annual award show with red carpets, limo arriving swamp critters, I’ll leave the categories up to you guys here.

  2. “This will never go to even discovery…”

    Nope. It’s going to end up in suspended animation, like the Concord Management prosecution. Mueller got what he wanted: the public humiliation of Roger Stone. Hopefuy this sordid government thuggery is the exclamation point on the witch hunt.

  3. The same stunt should be pulled on the PoS Mueller. Roust hin out of bed ar 4am. Bring guard dogs, machine guns, shot guns and night sticks. Arrest him for fraud, larceney, conspiriacy and faculitating theft of Treasury funds,


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