Devin Nunes rips Democrats for ‘needlessly’ provoking Trump-Russia collusion ‘crisis’ – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes rips Democrats for ‘needlessly’ provoking Trump-Russia collusion ‘crisis’


Rep. Devin Nunes accused Democrats of “needlessly” stoking a prolonged “crisis” after Attorney General William Barr released his summary of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report Sunday.

As Barr would tell it, Mueller’s years-long investigation was unable to prove President Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with the Russians. In a tweet, Nunes, R-Calif., touted how the House Intelligence Committee already reached the same conclusion more than a year ago and condemned his Democratic counterparts for their unabated efforts to stoke the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

“The Russia investigation was based on false pretenses, false intel, and false media reports. House Intel found a yr ago there was no evidence of collusion, and Democrats who falsely claim to have such evidence have needlessly provoked a terrible, more than two-year-long crisis,” Nunes said in a tweet.

… [ ] Yet, while he praised Barr, Nunes remained critical of Mueller’s report — suggesting earlier in the day he wouldn’t mind it being roasted in a fire — and the Democrats who say Mueller’s work is only a stepping stone for even more investigations into Trump, including in Congress and on the state and federal levels.

“It’s no different, Shannon, than what they’ve been saying for the last many, many years,” he said to host Shannon Bream. “So we’ve had two and a half years of this, and I have to remind everybody. Let’s not forget it is likely that this investigation started in late 2015, but for sure by early 2016 by Clinton operatives and likely people at the highest levels of the FBI and the Department of Justice. Let that sink in a second. This invest was started in late 2015, early 2016 by Clinton operatives and DOJ and FBI officials. So we have had three and a half years of this. Our counterintelligence capabilities in this country were turned against the political party. The American people should be ticked at this.”  MORE


6 Comments on Devin Nunes rips Democrats for ‘needlessly’ provoking Trump-Russia collusion ‘crisis’

  1. If you boil it down to original cause, I’d have to put the blame on Hillary.

    I imaging it was to divert anyone looking into her own Russian connections and other probable crimes and activities more than actually finding out the truth about Trump..

    BTW, has Hillary made a statement about the end of the investigation yet? I haven’t seen it, but I haven’t specifically looked for it either (and don’t really care what she thinks anyway).

  2. Many in the DOJ and the FBI need more than a hand slap about this whole waste of time, money and illegal actions. If nothing is done, it will be repeated…

  3. The question now is what will the DOJ do about the corrupted investigations of Clinton and start the process into whether Obama was involved. That doesn’t preclude separate criminal investigations into leaks, FBI conduct, DOJ conduct and the entire quiet coup attempt. There’s been stories floating around about this untold number of sealed indictments against individuals involved in illegal actions (Clinton and the uranium sale and her emails as well as her whole “pay for play” in her time as SecState as well as the whole Clinton Foundation activities) or actions against the President and it was always said wait until the Meullar investigation is over to see them opened. Well, the investigation is over so I sure as help we see a flurry of activity from loyal DOJ and FBI officials.

  4. Obama made a big deal of putting sanctions on Russia after the election to tee all of this BS up for the investigation that he knew was already ongoing.

    Comey and Lynch never mentioned it to him? Come on.

    They coordinated, entrapped, illegally wiretapped, lied to courts, went to foreign leaders to warn them that Trump was “compromised” and to not talk or share info with him.

    These people are traitors who shredded our Constitution, abused their power and threw our country into a civil warlike crisis because that was preferable to a peaceful transfer of power.

    A power that they still feel entitled to and never thought they were going to have to give up.

    That picture of the Obama staff outside the White House with their arms folded, crying and with big frowns on their faces? That’s the look of “Oh, fuck. They are going to see what we’ve done to them.”

    They were supposed to be “he ones we were waiting for”. The prince who was promised. Destiny at the Brandenburg Gates.

    And the racist, hoi polloi struck back against the Sacred March of Progress. Forever Forward, comrades.


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