Devin Nunes: There’s an Open Investigation Into IG Michael Atkinson – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes: There’s an Open Investigation Into IG Michael Atkinson

Good! I’ve been waiting for this particular investigation to happen.
Next one should be Schiff, then Mueller, followed by Rosenstein and Wray.

RedState: This is an interesting note that Nunes shared yesterday while doing a radio hit with Sara Carter.

According to Nunes, Republicans have an open investigation in IG Michael Atkinson. You may recall that he was at the center of classifying the whistleblower complaint as an “urgent concern,” thereby notifying Adam Schiff and starting the current impeachment drama.

“We really do need to hear from the whistleblower,” Nunes told The Sara Carter Show. “That needs to happen and the fact that the Democrats won’t release the transcript of us interviewing the Inspector General Atkinson that brought this scam forward. Everyone needs to see that testimony and the reason that it’s not being released is because it’s very damaging, not only to the whistleblower, but also to Atkinson himself.”

Nunes could not disclose the content of the whistleblower testimony but said “this testimony is really bad and…the Republicans have an active investigation into Atkinson.

Atkinson was also responsible for making a late change to the whistleblower form, which allowed Ciaramella [SNIP: allegedly known to Lisa Page and Peters Strzok as “Charlie”] to submit the complaint in the first place. The indication being that Atkinson was at least keen to get the information to Congress despite it not legally even being within his purview (complaints about the President’s actions do not fall under IC IG jurisdiction). MORE

9 Comments on Devin Nunes: There’s an Open Investigation Into IG Michael Atkinson

  1. @MJA:

    Good! I’ve been waiting for this particular investigation to happen. Next one should be Schiff, then Mueller, followed by Rosenstein and Wray.

    Please don’t leave out Pelosi, Biden, Nadler, and especially Hillary.

  2. Why would anything be ROTTEN he was an OBAMA Justice department official and magically he was transferred to the the intelligence side of the government as an Inspector General. HHHHMMMM A little scheme cooked up between Brennan Lynch and OBAMA. After all IG’s are the most UNBIASED people in government?????? (YEAH RIGHT)

  3. It’s a shame that the Sheeple (aka useful idiots) continue to live in their make believe world constructed by the treasonous media. They have no clue what is happening in the trenches of DC politics. All they know is “Trump is bad, must be impeached…”thank you sir, may I have another…”


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