Devin Nunes: Without Immediate Corrective Action, It’s Time to Talk About Shutting Down The U.S. Intelligence Agencies – IOTW Report

Devin Nunes: Without Immediate Corrective Action, It’s Time to Talk About Shutting Down The U.S. Intelligence Agencies

Conservative Treehouse:

Appearing with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the latest series of revelations; as a result of forced document extraction from deep in the bowels of the deep state; representative Devin Nunes now states it may be time to talk about completely defunding the elements of the U.S. intelligence apparatus who are working to usurp the governing authority of the United States.

This is a remarkable statement from the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee. Essentially Nunes is saying we remain in a state of an ongoing political coup inside the United States of America…. And he’s not wrong.

Eisenhower warned; JFK tried and they killed him; Donald Trump is facing the same issue with a pending confrontation and awareness.

To understand in bold terms what Nunes is accurately saying… The CIA Director non-compliant with constitutionally required oversight. The FBI Director is actively working to support the resistance; and the United States Attorney General is trying to mitigate the sunlight upon the institutions. WATCH

19 Comments on Devin Nunes: Without Immediate Corrective Action, It’s Time to Talk About Shutting Down The U.S. Intelligence Agencies

  1. Has any federal gov agency ever been terminated?

    I can only recall a few that changed their name, or was absorbed in a merger with another agency, and thereafter was known by the name of the other agency or the two both got a new name.

    I read a lot of history, but could have missed an agency being done away with. However, I will be surprised if one has closed before. But better to start late than never or there’s a first time for everything.

  2. He’s correct.

    Only because, if anything, camera face recog and google-earth is replacing them.

    One more layer of compressed sediment in the Swamp trying to stay alive.

  3. Remember when the ATF was on the verge of being disbanded and folded into the FBI? Remember the plan that the ATF leadership concocted to show how vital they were as an important element of American law enforcement? Remember Waco? I do! The siege at Waco was created to show America how the ATF was a necessary entity that would protect America from radicals who thought differently than most Americans. I remember watching how the ATF staged a Keystone Cop type raid that was destined to fail and would give them an excuse to send in tanks. Dozens of people were burned to death by the actions of the ATF for the sole purpose of trying to make them look like protectors of normalcy. I remember the ATF keeping firefighters miles away and how they waited for a very windy, dry day to breach the buildings with tracked vehicles with incendiary devices. The actions of the ATF prompted a madman to blow up a building in Oklahoma City for revenge. Our government is out of control and we’re paying the price.


    If the democrats take the Senate, and eventually they will, it’s a secede-triggering event.

    They add 5 more justices, then the Republicans get back in power and add 5 more? And so on? You really want to put up with this tit-for-tat garbage?

    Let the blue states exist, over-tax, abuse, let murderers and illegals run wild, and they will DESTROY THEMSELVES FROM WITHING inside of 20 years, just like they did to every other city they have been in charge of.

    Let them crumble, fall back, regroup, recover, and strengthen.

    I’ve been saying this for over 20 years.

  5. 19 years ago GWB said Mueller would do this!

    Ronny was right, “… THE GOVT IS THE PROBLEM!”! Out of date Scotch folk saying, “Fox guarding the hen house”!

    IF you think they can be trusted you have not paid attention the last 66 years!

    Take out your wallet and PAY ATTENTION

  6. Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk Talk talk talk talk talk

    When does the action start?


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