Devine: While Hunter Biden vacations in South Africa, a brave whistleblower rots in a Cyprus jail – IOTW Report

Devine: While Hunter Biden vacations in South Africa, a brave whistleblower rots in a Cyprus jail


While former convicted felon Hunter Biden enjoys a luxurious vacation in South Africa, with round-the-clock Secret Service protection paid for by the taxpayer, the first whistleblower to report Biden corruption is being brutalized in a Cyprus jail cell. more here

3 Comments on Devine: While Hunter Biden vacations in South Africa, a brave whistleblower rots in a Cyprus jail

  1. Everyone wants everything to happen instantaneously. I’m sure Trump/Team MAGA are working on this. For Christ’s sake, there is so much going on around Trump that I have a hard time keeping up with it. What I have lost patience with is the number of people piss, whining and moaning that what their number one desire hasn’t been fulfilled yet.


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