DHS Backtracks Claim Trump Supports Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

DHS Backtracks Claim Trump Supports Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

That was quick.

Daily Caller: A senior Department of Homeland Security official testified in a Senate hearing Tuesday that the Trump administration backs a path to citizenship for nearly 800,000 illegal immigrants.

A spokesman for the DHS later told Reuters that Michael Dougherty, the assistant secretary for border, immigration and trade policy, was not “not stating administration policy or the president’s views.”

“Under a rational bill, these [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals] individuals would be able to become lawful permanent residents with a pathway to citizenship,” Dougherty said during a Tuesday hearing hosted by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy asked Dougherty at the hearing, “So the president believes they should be allowed to stay?”

“The president, yes, would like to work with Congress to get a solution,” Dougherty replied.  read more

9 Comments on DHS Backtracks Claim Trump Supports Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

  1. I believe DHS (filled with Liberals, from what I understand) is confusing what Pelosi and Schumer are saying with what Pres. Trump is saying. Just saw an article where democrats want PR residents (Dem voters, of course) to be relocated to swing states. Communists really are like dogs with their bones.

  2. Wow, speaking for the President? And he’s still got a job?
    Can’t imagine how fast I’d be sacked if I spoke for the CEO of the company I work for.
    Must be nice to be so special.

  3. It’s not fake news. I watched this hearing and Dougherty was unambiguously ambiguous. He answered much like the mumble mouthed senators on the committee.
    The second panel included Jessica Vaughan of CIS, a “high achievement dreamer” invited by Feinstein, and a man invited by Grassley who told a heart wrenching story (graphic detail) of his wife’s 93 yo grandma who was brutally beaten, raped and sodomized by an illegal.
    Oddly enough NOT ONE rino stated for this panel. Even Grassley failed to question his own witness.
    Fix is in folks & it isn’t in our favor.

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