DHS Promises 450 Miles of Border Wall by 2021 – IOTW Report

DHS Promises 450 Miles of Border Wall by 2021


Contractors hired by the Department of Homeland Security have built 426 miles of the border wall and are working around the clock to hit their target of 450 miles by January 1, according to supporters and critics of the barrier.

Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of President Donald Trump’s Customs and Border Protection agency, announced the programs in a tweet, which also spotlights the political and financial cost of President-elect Joe Biden’s promise to block construction of more border wall: read more

9 Comments on DHS Promises 450 Miles of Border Wall by 2021

  1. 22+ million illegals are set to come out of the shadows and steal what little jobs are out there. What did the repubs negotiate for that deal? Not a thing. Plus many more come in on visas to steal tech jobs and whatever productivity comes out the other end gets stolen by China. Thanks for the wall, Trump, but we are gonna get completely gutted. Unless we STOP THE STEAL. FFS.

  2. Extirpates nailed it. This fool will never be president. Only in his own mind. I will be resurrecting the NOT MY PRESIDENT signs that the left tortured us with about Trump.

    Unity? Fuck that shit.

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