DHS Secretary: Border Wall Could Be Complete Within 2 Years – IOTW Report

DHS Secretary: Border Wall Could Be Complete Within 2 Years

WFB: Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly presented an ambitious schedule for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border during an interview Wednesday.

“The wall will be built where it’s needed first, and then it will be filled in. That’s the way I look at it,” Kelly told Fox News. “I really hope to have it done within the next two years.”

Kelly visited McAllen, Texas on Wednesday, where he learned first-hand about the challenges that border patrol agents face. One of the busiest areas along the border is the Rio Grande Valley, which is also known as the “RGV Sector.” Border patrol agents pick up at least 600 people trying to cross the border into the U.S. illegally on any given day, Fox News reported.

“Any discussion about the protection of our southwest border involves discussion of physical barriers but also of technological sensors, things like that,” Kelly said. “But it’s a layered approach, and it’s got to be backed up by great men and women who are going to make sure that the wall is intact.”  MORE

6 Comments on DHS Secretary: Border Wall Could Be Complete Within 2 Years

  1. Axe- I think you stumbled onto something, just like bricks at a new stadium. #5.00 each With a little MADE IN THE USA label on the bottom. The wall would get paid for in 6 months.

  2. “This section of the American Border Wall sponsored by…”
    It’s like the Adopt a Highway program.

    I once sent bricks to John McCain (through the mail, not through his window) back in the early 2000s when he started talking shit about how the wall was offensive and was openly coddling illegals. I’m willing to send construction materials. Or start a donation page.

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