DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Has Resigned – IOTW Report

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Has Resigned

Story right over here


(She should have never been picked. Bye bye now.)

43 Comments on DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Has Resigned

  1. I wonder if her decision had anything to do with Vitiello losing the nomination for head of ICE?

    It was always a matter of time before she left. At least he didn’t fire her like he did Comey.

  2. Insipid little opportunist without a shred of leadership or inspirational qualities. Good Bye.

    (How did she end up in the WH anyway? Anyone know? Originally she was foisted on GEN Kelly who apparently grew to like her.)

  3. She did a very inadequate, incompetent job from day 1, did not know what to do or how to accomplish anything. She was never a passenger on the Trump Train.
    She could not even spell leadership!
    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!!!

  4. Her successor is CBP Commish Kevin McAleenan (Mac-Al-eenan)

    Supposed to be a “good guy” and has taken flack for being a “Trump loyalist.” Also has quite a strong record of excellence in all the positions he’s held. Joined and later led a division of FBI anti-terroism after 9/11. CBP has 60K employees, is the largest LEO agency in the country and is the 2nd largest revenue–collecting agency (trade). Seems to have a lot of credibility and is a strong public speaker on the subject of nat’l security and especially border security. This is undoubtedly the “get tough” person POTUS Trump had in mind.

  5. I am perplexed at all the derision aimed at Neilson. She has done exactly what Trump has asked her to do, she has tirelessly defended his policies, put in the hours directing all the sub heads (ICE, Customs, immigration, border patrol) to implement these policies, she has been attacked both by the MSM and Congress for nothing more than doing her job and standing by her boss. It was John Kelly that recommended her, is he a putz as well? She was the perfect candidate if you look at her resume, she was a good soldier, loyal, and did what she was told. But she had enough, and TBH, I think Trump would be a terrible boss to work for.

    There is no one on this earth that could make that sow’s ear we call the border a silk purse, it is a disaster. And why isn’t anyone blaming Trump for this big turd of a mess? His number one top priority cause of all causes, the one promise he got elected for, was fixing the border, build that wall, stem the tide of the illegal invasion, and he didn’t do it. 2 years with majorities in both houses and he couldn’t do it. Obama had a singular calling as well, remember? healthcare, and when elected he also had majorities. But he didn’t make excuses, he showed leadership, he got Pelosi and Reed together and they all came up with Obamacare. Is Obama a more effective leader then Trump?

    The border is a mess, and it’s worse now then it was when Trump got elected.

  6. @Rich Taylor — Nielsen was the best choice at the time. But scuttle butt has it that she wasn’t getting to the bottom of the info obstruction that is endemic to DHS (obama holdovers) and was not figuring out everything that POTUS needs to know to legally work around the obstruction of the RINO — and now — Pelosi/Schumer-controlled House. Apparently, many of the so-called “laws” concerning the border and how illegals are processed are simply EO’s or other administrative “rules” that were put in place under obama. But Neilsrn wasn’t being the bull terrier she needed to be in this regard.

    (And, if you look at video of her this past week down in CA, while waiting for AF1 to land, she looked like she was way too comfortable in her job and didn’t present a great take charge attitude. She was standing around laughing and chatting when AF1 was on the ramp parking and nearly missed her cue to attend to Trump’s welcome. A little too self-important and familiar with the trappings of her job, I thought.)

  7. What I mean by my criticisms of Nielsen is that she just didn’t seem like a hard-hitting, decisive leader in her role. POTUS Trump shouldn’t have to go down to the border to assess the situation for himself! He has to rely on his cabinet heads to get the job done.

  8. Rich, I’ll add to AbigailAdams’ comment.

    From the start, KN was a squish on border building and illegals. We even did the stories about her at iotw.
    Go back and see her stats. On any blog before she got picked. Not impressed.

    She was put there to appease RINO’s and the less socialist dems. Apparently, Trump is over it.

    BTW, he has 3 sections of border (new and replacement) working right now. He’s fighting lawsuits, a ban on this a ban on that and ann coulter’s gigantic know nothing mouth.
    And the border is worse now than when 0bama because of the left paying people to run with caravans. Did you notice any caravans to this excess during the 0bama reign?
    Oh and Trump isn’t Congress. You can thank Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Collins, and whoever else, in the ‘majority’ for not getting healthcare or border business done. Trump cannot work by himself, under The Constitution. He’s not a dictator.

  9. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/04/07/kirstjen-nielsen-resigns-as-dhs-secretary-in-midst-of-border-surge/

    Nielsen’s resignation as DHS secretary comes amid a surge of illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border and an expanded Catch and Release policy that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has been tasked with carrying out.

    During Nielsen’s tenure as DHS secretary, illegal immigration has increased nearly every month over the last year and a half. Simultaneously, the Trump administration has yet to construct a border wall on new land at the southern border that did not previously have barriers built by the Bush and Obama administrations.

    Most recently, officials with the National ICE Council accused Nielsen of “grossly” mismanaging DHS and failing to acknowledge that the agency had been operating an expanded Catch and Release policy for border crossers and illegal aliens for months.

    As Breitbart News chronicled, Nielsen previously served in the Bush administration overseeing a crisis team following the destruction of New Orleans, Louisiana, by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The Bush administration had waved federal regulations to allow an unlimited level of illegal immigration into the Gulf Coast to take low-skill jobs rebuilding the region. Nielsen previously chaired a World Economic Forum committee that authored a report praising mass migration into Europe. For her confirmation process to DHS, Nielsen worked with an assortment of allies that worked vigorously in the 2016 presidential election to oppose Trump, including Frances Townsend and Tom Ridge.”

    Just last week, there was new fencing started, though. It was either in CA or TX.

  10. The DHS in under the Executive branch, so Trump can pick whoever he wants to run it, but in 2 years he has had 4 different DHS heads. Obviously it is a tough job. I know nothing about “scuttle butt” but every time I saw her in front of Congress or the media defending Trump’s policies, she did it with energy and loyalty. If the boss is not happy then sure, she should go, but why all the vitriol? And if Trump can’t get rid of people he is not happy with, doesn’t this reflect poorly on him?

    Trump has a bad habit of running down his own appointees; he did it with Sessions, Mnuchin, Powell, Kelly, and Mathis. These jobs are hard enough but when the boss keeps ripping you in public, that sucks.

    “From the start, KN was a squish on border building and illegals. We even did the stories about her at iotw.”

    Maybe you can post a link to some of these.

    “Go back and see her stats. On any blog before she got picked. Not impressed.”

    I did see her stats, I was pretty impressed, so was Kelly, that is why he hand picked her.

    “She was put there to appease RINO’s and the less socialist dems. Apparently, Trump is over it.”

    Was Kelly picked for the same appeasement? And if Trump is over it, why did it take him so long?

    “Trump cannot work by himself, under The Constitution. He’s not a dictator.”

    Yes, that is what the Trump cheerleaders keep telling me, it is always someone else’s fault. Yet when I see Democrat presidents with Democrat majorities, they manage to pass all their crap legislation; Obamacare, ARRA, Dodd-Frank, bailing out auto makers and ballooning the student loan program.

  11. And for the record, I like this blog, a lot, but at times the cheer-leading is just insufferable. I voted for Trump once and will do it again in 2020 (probably) but he is a public servant who works for the people. When he is wrong, does something dumb, or is derelict by omission, we need to hold him accountable.

    I know he is frustrated by the border mess, I am as well. The Amnesty law needs to be changed, I even want the birthright citizenship law changed. But a reliable physical barrier is the only way the invasion will be stopped.

    The Democrats are smarter and more effective on this issue. They want open borders and a massive immigrant invasion, more votes for them, and they are winning.

  12. Hey Rich, not sure where this insufferable cheerleading is that you are referring to. Sure, a lot of us like the hell out of Trump, but it seems to me he is held to account, to a point. Do we beat him up everyday? Well, not too much. Do we want more? Hell yes!!

  13. @Rich Taylor — you wrote: “Yes, that is what the Trump cheerleaders keep telling me, it is always someone else’s fault. Yet when I see Democrat presidents with Democrat majorities, they manage to pass all their crap legislation; Obamacare, ARRA, Dodd-Frank, bailing out auto makers and ballooning the student loan program.”

    Go back and look at all the illegal stuff the D’s did to get their legislation “passed.” Is that what you want this president to do, too? Because that is precisely what Trump wants to avoid at all costs. And that is why he wants everything he does to be absolutely transparent. It’s why he let AG Sessions do his (crappy) job for two years and why he didn’t put an end to Mueller and his tribe. For the good of the nation, Trump is trying to make his branch of the gov’t do it all legally. It’s the right thing to do and we need it in order to restore any faith in our constitutional republic. Call that “cheer leading” if you want.

    Everything you are frustrated by is a matter of legislation and funding by congress. Trump hates EO’s for the very reason that they are not legislated and further grow the unequal power of the Executive. You should be mad at McConnell, Ryan, and the rest of the RINO’s. They’re the ones who interfered with getting all of this stuff done in 2017/18.

  14. Hey Rich

    “The Democrats are smarter and more effective on this issue. They want open borders and a massive immigrant invasion, ”

    So do most of the Republicans. Globalist scum.

  15. I would strongly encourage Rich Taylor (and everyone else) to listen to the podcast (posted by CTH today) of Diana West’s new book “The Red Thread”. She and Molynieux (spelling?) spend about an hour talking about *why* the Deep State are going after this president. And to Rich Taylor: As frustrating as all of this is, you must remind yourself that “all this” has been in the making for well over 40-50 years. The glass is definitely half full as far POTUS Trump is concerned. Without him it was game over. Think of that yourself the next time you get fed up with the “cheer leading.”

  16. Well, at least we have veered away from the echo chamber, that’s something.

    “Go back and look at all the illegal stuff the D’s did to get their legislation “passed.””

    For instance?

    “Because that is precisely what Trump wants to avoid at all costs”

    Lets wait to hold judgement until after the SDNY releases it’s report.

    “It’s why he let AG Sessions do his (crappy) job for two years”

    He needs no reason to fire Sessions, just like he needed no reason to fire Comey. You think, instead of bad mouthing Sessions and getting rid of him sooner, he could have cleaned out that Obama hold over viper’s nest you were complaining about?

    “why he didn’t put an end to Mueller and his tribe.”

    Because that would have been political suicide and gotten him impeached, and doomed any chance of reelection.

    “Call that “cheer leading” if you want.”

    Yeah, that’s not what I meant by cheer leading, but I think you already knew that.

    “Everything you are frustrated by is a matter of legislation and funding by congress.”

    OK, so by admission Trump is doomed to fail at passing any meaningful legislation. You say he needs congress to do anything, he had majorities his first 2 years and could not repeal and replace or pass immigration reform. Now he only has a majority in the Senate only, The House holds the purse, so he has even less power to convince or persuade. If your only answer is ,”Well, we need super majorities in both house and Trump to get reelected”, what are the odds of that happening?

    “The glass is definitely half full as far POTUS Trump is concerned.”

    Of course. I am always reminded of what a Hillary presidency would look like and am thrilled that he has governed conservatively. But it is our job to remind him that his position is tenuous at best, to flick the whip by his ear when needed and never allow him to be complacent.

  17. ‘for the record, I like this blog’.
    Me too, ’cause it not ever been clogged up by self-deluded mouthy ass-hats like you.
    Mirror meet Rich,

  18. @Rich Taylor – I’m with you on this…KN did her job well, presented the facts admirably and with conviction when facing the Dem/Leftist propagandist scumbags, and never backed down.

    As we have seen with many a Trump appointee, they are selected for a period of time, then the change-up….keeps the anarchists on their heels. And we are not privy to their private meetings and/or agreements. In a fashion this is what the Founders wanted, the best from our land for a short period…not career goofballs and morons who couldn’t get a job selling shoes in real life sucking the life out of the country while getting wealthy and powerful.

    I say to Ms. Nielsen: Good job. Now lets see who takes the baton in this fight for our sovereignty…Trump will likely pick someone that’ll make lying cheating Dems heads explode more than they already have when their plan to stack the voting booth with illegals gets further thwarted.


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