Diamond and Silk: We Don’t Like White Nationalists or Antifa – IOTW Report

Diamond and Silk: We Don’t Like White Nationalists or Antifa

Diamond and Silk were on FOX speaking their minds. And it was blood-pumping  fantastic!


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10 Comments on Diamond and Silk: We Don’t Like White Nationalists or Antifa

  1. Hmm. I’m white. In my heart,
    I put America above all other nations. I believe that makes me
    “a Nationalist”. I hate Fascism,
    communism, and real, pre-1964 style
    racism as practiced by the Klan.
    So what has happened is the MSM
    and America’s internal enemies
    have poisoned the language that
    describes what I am, to make out
    that I am evil; the despicable
    animals that they are.

  2. When the country is divided by progressives based on identity politics, they should not be surprised when opposing factions rise up to challenge them. These factions can be just as passionate, extreme and violent. You reap what you sow. Each side is just as destructive to the country as the other.

  3. Well, yes, you are right…a nationalist, regardless of your race.
    That’s the original meaning. But the jackasses now are mixing in black nationalist and white nationalist and wrecking the original meaning of the word.
    And ‘Democrat’ is just the label on a can that contains nuts.

  4. So the Nation of Islam headed by Louis Farrakhan is a black nationalist group, a black separatist group and a black supremacist group with a membership estimated at 50,000 (with a lot of convicts in there). Why doesn’t the press cover them as much as they cover the White Nationalist and/or White Supremacists? How about the New Black Panthers? It’s membership roles are filled with ex-members of the Nation of Islam that left when the former president was ousted by Farrakhan and they follow mostly an aggressive and violent policy espousing black supremacy.

    The press is making this very much a political and racism story with whites in general as the villain regardless of what the mental state of the perp was. Remember the night club killer in Miami? Omar Mateen was of Afghani descent and a home grown muslim extremist but the media and the government quickly began to label this guy as crazy rather then a Islamic Terrorist and never in the conversations was his race brought up. The media is using the actions of this Charlotteville criminal to try to punish and guilt trip white people in general rather than fully concentrate on the perpetrator. Hell, maybe Sessions ought to appoint a special prosecutor (a real one who won’t be influenced by the left) to investigate this crime and how it came to be committed and the responsibility for the atmosphere that led to it.

  5. These days, if you’re proud of being white and proud of your country, you are labeled a white supremacist and a nazi and you apparently support the KKK. Does no one actually understand that it’s ok to want a nation for whites? Asians, hispanics, and blacks all have their nations, and no one calls them asian, hispanic or black supremacists, so why can’t whites, and why does that make you a white supremacist? True nazis would have been killing their enemies openly by now, take a look at Germany in the late 1930s for an example. As for the KKK, they barely exist these days except as a token used as an example for hate. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and Antifa to the most extreme example of it.

  6. More power, much MORE, to these ladies whom I consider ‘sisters in the fight for freedom’!

    And…youtube, google, alphabet…a time will come for you to learn how WRONG you all have been!!!

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