Diamond & Silk: Don’t go to Texas to loot! – IOTW Report

Diamond & Silk: Don’t go to Texas to loot!

Diamond and Silk don’t have a problem adding you to The Bowl. Look who or what made it to The Bowl this week. ummhumm.

13 Comments on Diamond & Silk: Don’t go to Texas to loot!

  1. Regarding post-Harvey looting, all I have to say is the words on a sign I once saw on a Texas junkyard:


  2. When Silk pulled out that blue drink that just happens to match her dress I couldn’t stop laughing! Her props in the middle of Diamond’s rants are priceless.
    Those girls are simply the masters of getting the message out.

  3. Ann Thracts nailed it. When I was living in Fla I got bullseyed by Frances and Jean in Aught 4 and by Wilma in Aught 5. In between Frances and Jean, I encountered full-time professional thieves who’d “commuted to work” up from Miami, looking to steal my shit. Walked out back to find two Marielito Boatlift Cubans (thanks Jimmy Carter, you fucking asshole) about to hook my boat up to their blinged-out Escalade. After a “brief discussion” while I was holding my 12 gauge on them, they elected to drive away. I called it in and the cops got them just as they were getting onto the Fla Turnpike. Back of their ‘Scade was filled with stolen shit.

  4. To BFH and all the other IOTW’ers on here that are in the path of Irma, my prayers go out to you & your families that you are not harmed by this massive storm.

  5. @Mansfield, thanks for reminding me, with Irma bearing down, I need to change the birdshot out for 00 in the scattergun.
    I normally don’t keep lethal rounds in it, willing to make an exception in an emergency situation.

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