Dianne Feinstein says she won’t step down early despite concerning mental health reports – IOTW Report

Dianne Feinstein says she won’t step down early despite concerning mental health reports


Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., will serve out the remainder of her term despite worrying reports about her mental fitness, she told reporters this week.

Feinstein, 89, has spent roughly 30 years in the Senate, and critics have recently raised questions about her mental health, citing a reportedly failing memory, among other things. Nevertheless, both she and her office said she intends to serve out the rest of her term, which ends in 2024.

“Yes. Absolutely,” she told the Los Angeles Times when asked whether she plans to stay on. “There’s still two years, you know. A lot can happen in two years.”

Feinstein went on to say that she would come to a decision about whether to run for re-election in 2024 “probably by spring,” according to the Times. MORE

21 Comments on Dianne Feinstein says she won’t step down early despite concerning mental health reports

  1. Well, yeah she refuses to step down; she has dementia! Doesn’t the 25rh amendment apply to senators too, or did the exempt themselves. On the other hand, a drooling, mentally incompetent communist is probably preferable to a young, energetic communist who would be Gavin Newsome’s appointed replacement.

  2. The doddering old bitch is another prime example to the fact that the only mistake the Founding Fathers made with the Constitution was not mandating term limits for these people. :^#

  3. “Yes. Absolutely,” she told the Los Angeles Times when asked whether she plans to stay on. “There’s still two years, you know. A lot can happen in two years.” Then, to the horror of the assembled gaggle of press, the Senator then proceeded to urinate on the floor, and declare herself as the reincarnation of Catherine the Great, before her handlers whisked her away.

  4. I don’t think she’ll go anywhere.
    remember her husband’s business partner? He built the leaning building in san francrisco, right next to the transit center with the cracked beams, which he also built. Well, he got feinstein to get his son a job in the US house of representatives, and he hacked the congressional computers for blackmail purposes during the Kavanaugh hearings. All he got was a secret closed door hearing and 2 years of probation- the public/citizens never got to learn any of the details, or the extent of his treason. I’m sure she has any and all of the hacked material, plus other stuff, provided she didn’t send it to china.
    she is the poster girl for our government’s corruption and ineptness

  5. Dog in the manger.
    Stalin thought he could live forever through “Soviet Science” if only the Jew Doctors weren’t sabotaging his longevity! No kidding. Thus, the “Doctors Plot” in 1953 when the old asshole finally stroked out. He had planned on killing all the Jewish doctors in the Soviet Union. Only killed a couple, or a dozen or so (yes, they were bona fide communists).

    Feinstein also believes in “Soviet Science” as espoused by Fauxi, et. al. and that her life can be extended indefinitely – to the betterment of humanity – she’s such a gift, after all. Vanity and hubris are her watchwords.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tony R
    DECEMBER 14, 2022 AT 10:00 AM
    “Yes. Absolutely,” she told the Los Angeles Times when asked whether she plans to stay on. “There’s still two years, you know. A lot can happen in two years.” Then, to the CHEERS of the assembled gaggle of press, the Senator then proceeded to urinate on the floor, and declare herself as the reincarnation of Catherine the Great, before her handlers whisked her away AS THE PRESS LAPPED UP HER URINE ON ALL FOURS WITH THEIR TOUNGES AND IMMEDIATELY BEGGED FOR MORE.


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