Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2019 – IOTW Report

Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2019

Patriot Retort-

Well, it’s finally here! Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2019.

This is an annual tradition of mine that dates back to 2013 when I was a contributor to the All the Right Snark website.  And it was so much fun writing my Ten Most Tiresome People lists, I kept up the tradition here at PatriotRetort.com.

While everyone else gives you the list of “most influential” or “most noteworthy,” I personally prefer pointing out those folks who either exhausted us with their sanctimonious scolding, or who just don’t know when to go away.

The tiresome people are the ones who, when you see their face on TV or their picture at a website or on a magazine, your first thought is, “Good grief, enough with this person already!”

It seems like every year it gets harder and harder to narrow down my list to ten.  There’s a heck of a lot of tiresome people out there.  Have you noticed?

But I do my best.

I’m sure a lot of you will get through this year’s list and think, “Hey, you forgot __________________!”

But it isn’t that I necessarily forgot; it’s just that I stick with only ten.  No need to tire you out even more by increasing the number to fifteen or twenty.  Though, I easily could.

Also, many of the folks you might think should be here – like Adam Schiff or Nancy Pelosi or Jerry Nadler — aren’t tiresome people so much as they’re idiots or assholes.  And since this is the Ten Most Tiresome People of 2019 and not the Ten Most Idiotic Assholes of 2019, they didn’t makes the list.

Though, now that I write that, maybe I should start doing a second list of the Idiotic Assholes.

Any old how.

Without further ado, here are Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2019. MORE

11 Comments on Dianny’s Ten Most Tiresome People of 2019

  1. GREAT list and I agree with every one! Take a minute or so to go to the Twitter link for Elizabeth Warren and watch the video of her photo shoot. Best of the comments that followed: “Half expected it to end with: ‘Seleria can cause decreased blood pressure, night sweats, irritable bowel syndrome and loose stools. On rare occasion, usage of Seleria has caused heart attacks. Please check with your doctor before taking Seleria.'”

    Overwhelmingly negative comments…

  2. “the bug-eyed bartender from New York”
    It was worth clicking on the link for that gem alone. Brilliant!
    The rest of the list and scathing details are good too.

  3. Great Garbage the most tiresome person of 2019? Yeah, and it’s only a matter of time before The Frowning Little Swede gets a massive makeover from her handlers. They’ll try to make her look more glamourous than Greta Garbo herself.

    Remember how plain and strange Mindy Irwin used to look? Then some promoters in Australia glammed her up and now she looks like a 1930’s movie star.


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