Dice: Big Announcement from Democrat Genius – IOTW Report

Dice: Big Announcement from Democrat Genius

24 Comments on Dice: Big Announcement from Democrat Genius

  1. But who cares!? We’re in the middle of 2 giant holidays and we’re supposed to stop and think about some hispanic douche from Tejas, who always looked Asian to me, but whatever, telling me he miiiiight run for president in 2020?

  2. If his grandma was illegal then at least one of his parents is illegal making him an illegal, according to law. Perhaps someone should look a bit closer into this “hispanic douche from Tejas”. Let’s do it “for the children”.

  3. I love Donald J Trump! He’s all like, let’s make some sausage Nan and Chuck (my inlaw’s names BTW), but we’re going to do it in front of the press.


  4. I hope he does. This idiot has said so many incredibly stupid (and to some traitorous) things that even half the Democrats once behind the voting curtain would cast for Trump. All the Dems that are sniffing around 2020 are like this. It would take somebody no one has heard of to come on the scene suddenly (say at the end of 2019) with charisma, good appearance and good speaking skills that preaches moderation to challenge Trump. While that’s unlikely remembered who sandbagged Clinton in late 2007 and went on to win the big chair (and screw over the country).

  5. I’m guessing Beto is in his head – the fake Hispanic Irishman from El Paso needs to be reminded who the real Hispanics are from Texas – the Castro Bros. The Hispanics that don’t even speak Spanish fluently. This is going to be entertaining!

  6. Looks like a lazy eyed pole smoker to me……. not that I have anything agai……….. you know.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. Now the rest of the country can learn about Rosie La Raza the (imo) racist bitch. I’m sure she can explain how a “bunch of drunks and crooks” held off the macho Mexican army for two weeks.🤪
    Yep, Rosie is gonna be known….

  8. Whooleeahn… is a typical HISPANIC not Latino brown American. Being from San Antonio myself and growing up on that same plantation, he is full of CACA! Hispanics are traumatized in San Antonio, they have allowed the Mexicans to infest the neighborhoods that are already sh*tholes to begin with. Drive through some neighborhoods in San Antone, houses falling apart, stray animals everywhere, fat slobs on welfare all over the place. Hispanic Americans need to wake up to the mighty oppression that has been inflicted on the community. And btw, lazy blacks and browns on welfare DO NOT VOTE! They have no reason too, they got theirs. This is why the country has been flooded with illegal aliens because they will vote for their freebies.

    Burn in Hades Whoooleeahn, POS pendejo!

  9. I look at the shitpickle’s picture and the immediate thing that comes into mind is, “Would you like egg roll or wonton with the Moo Shu pork combo?”
    If he wins he won’t be the first half breed to be elected to the WH, President ValJar and her ventriloquist dummy obongo was.


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