Dice: Guess What The Liberals Are Upset About Now! – IOTW Report

Dice: Guess What The Liberals Are Upset About Now!

17 Comments on Dice: Guess What The Liberals Are Upset About Now!

  1. When my daughter was a kid, she used to feed her Barbie dolls to her Jurassic Park dinosaurs. She also read a lot of H S Thompson as well as G Gordon Liddy’s autobiography.

  2. Geez, what a screeching harpy!
    When I was a little girl, I had no sisters and so ran with my four brothers, when they would let me. My granny always tried to buy me Barbies and make me more girly. Dresses and such. I HAAAAAAATED it. You can’t take a Barbie to a backyard GI Joe fort in panty hose.
    But I would never, ever screech at her like this. My parents taught me to say thank you and deal with it, kinda like Ralphie. 😀 Sheesh. Kids are growing into adults with no manners.

  3. My oldest daughter hates it when her daughter visits her cousins.
    She has expressly asked to be willed the two man crosscut saw my father and I talked world affairs over, while cutting firewood to stay warm.
    You want to get my wife’s back up, tell her a sewing machine is for women.
    We have a man cave and a wyman cave, both are full of tools.
    My wife is a tailor, she sews my new blue jeans. apologies to Eric Burdon
    Waiting in the dentist office, a cooking mag or a Sports Ill, I’m going with the cooking rag.
    Nobody ever accused me of being girly.

  4. I’m 63 and my mother was the eldest of seven children. After 3 daughters in a row, my grandfather (who was a manager at GM back in the day) decided he might not see any sons at that point and decided to teach his daughters about cars. My “woke” point came on a Saturday when I was in 7th grade. My dad and uncles decided to pull and replace the transmission in our families Corvair, which is what they were doing when I left that morning. Later in the afternoon I returned to find the guys standing around a pair of feet sticking out from underneath the car. There was a loud “clunk”, then my mom crawled out from underneath the car, gave my dad and her brothers (and brother-in-laws) a withering look and said, “Is THAT what you were trying to do?” and stalked back into the house.

    Kind of killed that whole “girls shouldn’t do that” thing a LONG time ago! lol

  5. When my daughter was 3 I took time to watch bamboo with her .being a hunter , I replayed the scene where babies mother got shot , over and over . At the critical moment I cheered “got em! “.Next day I opened the basement door to call her to supper , whereupon I heard her shout “go em !” . Still brings a smile after all these years.

  6. I foresee a GIANT market for bisexual, headless, NPC (no camo!!) sex robots for such creatures as these.

    Oh! Wait! Is that sexist, in that I assume some interest in sexual stimulation beyond masturbation? In assuming that they may not be able to make up their minds which they want? Or in assuming that they want EVERYthing in one package – maybe at the same time?

    Gee! Sorry!

  7. My ten year old daughter loves rodeo, hunts animals and likes her firearms and her compound bow and she is also into Barbie dolls, my five year old daughter likes to go to the gun club on evenings in the summer to shoot her bow or her gun and is also into Barbie dolls, my three year old son is into Spiderman and Batman and toy cars and trucks and really isn’t into Barbies.


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