Dice: Here Come the Celebrities! ๐Ÿ˜† – IOTW Report

Dice: Here Come the Celebrities! ๐Ÿ˜†

13 Comments on Dice: Here Come the Celebrities! ๐Ÿ˜†

  1. No Amy, women do matter, it’s your fat ass and big mouth that doesn’t. If Hollywood looneyticks are against something I’m for it.
    Just a bunch of faded B listers trying to be relevant and failing miserably.

  2. I’m breaking out my stash of popcorn and getting it ready for Saturday night so I can enjoy the never ending stream of hilarity that will be on TV. Their tears and screaming are like cocaine to me and I hope I overdose.

  3. Amy, Emily & Soros’s Favorite Muslim
    โ€œLater she and 300 other morons were arrested but reports that she’s being held in Sea World because there wasn’t room for her in the DC jails are false.โ€

  4. Ladies and Gentlemen,
    The women presented before you represent the damages caused by our Participation Trophy Culture. The one that has been foisted upon us by and through leftist lunatics pursuing their dreams of equal outcome without regard to either effort or ability.

    I don’t believe the screaming harpies aforementioned are psychics; they have the same information we do, but don’t understand it. Or, more likely, can’t afford too. When witnesses are named, and said witnesses deny any such event, you have what is referred to in the nomenclature as a “clue”. Followed by numerous others…..

    To aid in the removal of such blights upon the public landscape, I recommend “Ethics” as a mandatory subject for all public schools K – 12 grades; with a mandatory review course for all school administrators at all levels. For a start….


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