Dick Morris: Giuliani’s Equal Protection Argument ‘Brilliant’ – IOTW Report

Dick Morris: Giuliani’s Equal Protection Argument ‘Brilliant’

Newsmax: President Donald Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani was “brilliant” with his argument and press conference earlier this week, because he is laying out an equal protection argument that could be taken up in the Supreme Court, political analyst Dick Morris told Newsmax TV Saturday night. 

“It isn’t a matter for the federal courts whether the election was fraudulent; it’s a matter of whether certain voters were treated differently than others,” Morris told Newsmax TV’s Rob Schmitt. “You can get away with almost anything in the cities than you can in the rest of the state. That is a situation of equal protection under the law, which triggers the Supreme Court review.” read more

6 Comments on Dick Morris: Giuliani’s Equal Protection Argument ‘Brilliant’

  1. Still comes down to a point of what can be done about it?

    The election can’t be held over and tossing it out comes to the situation where the Legislature decides by picking the electoral college electors which is what they would be doing if it hadn’t been tossed out in the first place but without the constraint of the vote to keep them in check.

    I doubt they would be making a different choice than they would have had the vote not been tossed out, so the same overall outcome would be the result either way.

    Anyone see something different as a realistic outcome that I’m not seeing here?

  2. I’m sorry. Dick Morris? The political genius is back?
    Everything he knows is wrong.

    Smarter analysis of all things political is found on this blog and the comments section. Expletives not deleted.

    Who here didn’t already know that the 14th amendment, the equal protection clause, would not be the main Trump argument?



  3. Dershowitz talked about it today. It comes down to the computer systems and if Powell and company are going to be able to prove algorithmic mass fraud. He isn’t as impressed with the equal protection unless they can show that enough votes were impacted. He says he doesn’t think likely but admits Trump has paths and it really comes down to proving the enough fraud occurred in the time frame needed.


  4. The thing about Dick is this: I noticed early on, when he was all over the news shows years ago, that he was a good guest because his theories were out of the ordinary and always very interesting to listen to. I’d often say, “Wow, I hadn’t thought of that angle.”
    …BUT… when it came right down to it he was usually wrong!

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