Dick’s Closing Stores – IOTW Report

Dick’s Closing Stores


Dick’s Turned on Gun Owners. Now They’re Closing Stores.

It certainly feels like the Trump era has boosted political awareness and activism. Be honest. How many times have you contacted your Senator or Representative before Trump ran? How many times have you done it since?

The same can be said about political discussions and the general attitude towards governance. We’re all more aware than we used to be. That doesn’t just apply to the citizenry. American businesses are also more political than they used to be, and it has led to some interesting discoveries.

Politics and Retail

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida was tragic. Too many lost their lives, and the nation was forever changed by the event. Many cried. More prayed. Everyone wanted to see change to prevent more tragedy. Instead of channeling that hurt into something productive, too many in our country acted solely on impulse and emotion. Reason and logic were forgotten. As a result, parades marched through Washington. Rage-filled debates degraded into screaming matches. Thankfully, Capitol Hill held it together and didn’t pass emotional legislation. That inaction led many Americans to try and take matters into their own hands.

Dick’s Sporting Goods was among that group. In their attempt to try and prevent further shootings, they decided to make it more difficult to purchase guns at their stores. They stopped carrying a number of popular models, and they raised the purchase age from 18 to 21. It’s unfair to assume motivation on behalf of Dick’s. It’s very likely they believed they were helping.

Despite any good intentions, their actions were an affront to the bulk of their customer base. Outdoorsmen are often also hunters. They don’t take kindly to being told how to view the world. Whether or not Dick’s violated the Constitution has been hotly debated, but it doesn’t really matter for this discussion. They made a decision, and now they have to live with the consequences.  MORE HERE

38 Comments on Dick’s Closing Stores

  1. Even before Dick’s went all wobbly on guns, I decided not to give them my business. This was after two visits when I had the same experience: the place was staffed by ignoramuses. Nobody I talked to had any idea, much less experience, using what they were selling. Plus, they didn’t know their merchandise. I’m no big fan of REI but at least their store staff has been mostly competent.

    Firearms aren’t something I’ll go to a store for. I’m in Florida, so all my recent transactions have been private and for cash.

  2. The consequences of a free market are often overlooked in favor of activism. However, activism is also a big business, burp, Tesla.

    The strangest thing though, activism isn’t a requirement to rule the free market. Competition rules a free market!

    Until some leftist cries about it, because they’re getting their ass kicked for simply being, woke.

    Then it all goes to shit.

  3. I would frequently buy ammo there when it was on sale, but no more. I emailed them that due to their gun policy, I would never set foot in a Field and Stream or Dick’s again. And I haven’t. So I did my share. I do feel bad for employees who may lose their jobs.

  4. Bass Pro still sells guns! However, I usually find better deals online. A good FFL and all the big names can go to hell. I can buy from Bud’s any day for about 20% less than a brick and mortar.

  5. “Firearms aren’t something I’ll go to a store for. I’m in Florida, so all my recent transactions have been private and for cash.”

    …well, I HAD bought a lot of firearms in stores when I was younger, @Uncle Al, but I lost them all in that tragic boating accident a long time ago, and it was so embarrassing that I didn’t report it to the Government at the time, but sure is a SHAME I don’t have them any more.

    …I DO have a lot of ammo around, though it’s just a memorial to that terrible day in my personal history, Officer…

  6. I know when I go to a sporting goods store, I think “here be hipsters and lots of males with earrings wearing skinny jeans.” And I’m always disappointed to find people into sports and outdoors life.

    Maybe businesses like Dick’s should figure out who their customer base is. Hint: it’s difficult to build a large business around people who only drink lattes.

  7. Well, bye, Dicks.

    All I know is that they’re stupid on stilts and every single golf ball I ever bought from them was…lost….forever.

    Plus a five iron that I whipped into the woods with extreme prejudice.

    All the golf stuff was my fault.

    The other stuff was their fault. I still have the mossberg 12 gauge Persuader that I bought from them.

    Many years ago.

  8. I’ve been going to a local gun shop for 25 years, ammo, loading supplies and hoppes oil by the gallon, and I can have guns that I buy from buds or gun trader shipped there to satisfy the ffl requirements. I’ve never set foot in a mega retail sporting goods store since I was in bass pro years ago.
    Good riddance dicks.

  9. The next thing you’ll see is Dick’s Chairman and President will be gone and at least a few of the board members. After these sacrifices are made the banned guns will be returned along with a heartfelt apology and a rededicating of Dick’s to the spirit and letter of the Second Amendment. I suspect though they may keep the 21 minimum age for certain types of firearms.

  10. I found a place to buy one of those shirts that says,

    “Nobody Needs An AR-15”

    “Nobody Needs a Whiny Little Bitch Either But Here You Are”

    I have fun watching peoples reactions when they read it.

  11. The local Gander Mountain closed a while back. Then, Macy’s at the local mall closed, too. They tore down the Macy’s and guess who’s building in it’s place. That’s right, Dick’s. I can tell you that Dick’s is not going to make it here. I will never go in there and just about everybody I know has said the same thing. The mall here caters to African-Americans and they don’t buy much at places like Dick’s. The sportsmen/rednecks/good ‘ol boys won’t go there, either. Dick’s is stupid for locating here.

  12. If I hear that Tragic Boating accident line one more time I’m gonna track the idiot down and beat them to death with a rubber chicken. I’m not kidding. News Flash, it wasn’t funny the first 1000 times.

  13. I know Brad, but it’s big news here. We are the biggest weather wussies on the planet. You should see it if we have a chance of snow, I’ve actually seen the news show a single snowflake coming down.

  14. Dick’s disease is the same one facing a lot of corporations these days. Namely, they are run by their HR Departments and they are hiring these ultra leftwing college pukes who demand they issue statements on everything under the sun. The weak executive office thinks it’s a cheap win to virtue signal instead of MYOFB.

    As others pointed out, JC Penny’s, Target, Kelloggs, Levi’s. When you can’t point to your bottom line, you start blathering about Diversity and Inclusion. You can’t control your Net Income but we’re oh so tolerant about the 6′ 4″ dude in a dress who looks like Ray Nitschke in a wig and high heels.

    At my work, with some frequency we are asked to contact our elected representatives about trade issues or whatever. If it’s good for the company, I usually do. If it’s bad for America, I do too – against whatever they are asking for. But we get these weekly newsletters that always have some bullcrap SJW angle. It’s black history month so here’s a factoid about trailblazers like Barbara Lee. It’s gay history month so here’s one on Harvey Milk. Zero to do with our business.

    In the waning days of the Obama admin, our CEO was out trying to cultivate relationships with Castro and salivating about welcoming Iran back into the loving bosom of the world community. It’s like, you have zero fucking values. I’m glad the piece of shit is gone. Now quit doing business in China if you care about Christians or Ray Nitschke in a dress getting tossed in a re-education tramp.

  15. PHENRY

    I have 3 sets of clubs that have bee missing “Brassies” for 20 – 22 years. My son , losing his nerve on a water shot, accidentally put 3 of them in a pond on hole #2’s hazard. When all the local courses said you must rent a cart I quit playing. GRUNTS go everywhere on foot, or by air lift! I had a friend who managed the course 10 years ago, asked him if the clubs were ever recovered – he was shocked I asked, But the club were not destroyed in anger, in fear of the water. They are still Gond.

  16. Politicians would be wise to learn from
    K-Mart, Sears, DICKS, Sports Authority and other stores that removed, eliminated, or went uber PC over honoring the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights (2nd Amendment).

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