Dick’s Sporting Goods/Field & Stream to Destroy Firearms Inventory – IOTW Report

Dick’s Sporting Goods/Field & Stream to Destroy Firearms Inventory

NRA-ILA: Dick’s Sporting Goods took their campaign to alienate law-abiding gun owners to an extraordinary new level last week. The beleaguered retailer announced that in addition to removing certain types of semi-automatic rifles from their stores, the company will destroy its stock of these commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms along with any accessories for the guns.

Back on February 28, Dick’s CEO Ed Stack issued a letter in which he announced that his company had caved to the demands of anti-gun extremists and adopted a raft of self-imposed gun controls. Stack made clear that the company would discriminate against young adults by refusing to sell rifles and shotguns to those ages 18 to 20 and would no longer sell commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles and standard-capacity magazines.

No stranger to virtue-signaling, in 2012 Dick’s halted the sale of certain semi-automatic firearms at its flagship stores following the high-profile shooting in Newtown, Conn. However, when Dick’s launched the outdoors-oriented retailer Field & Stream in 2013, the stores offered an array of modern semi-automatic rifles. The Field & Stream stores have no relation to the popular magazine of the same name.

A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania-based retail chain told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, that the company is “in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change.” The report noted that the unsold merchandise is being moved to the company’s distribution centers where it is being destroyed. What’s left of the ruined firearms is then being sold for scrap.

Dick’s decision to stop selling certain configurations of semi-automatic firearms was irrational, but the decision to destroy these lawful firearms is unjustifiable. Long-guns of any description are rarely used in crime.

A 2004 federally funded study of the 1994 Clinton semi-auto ban found that “the ban’s impact on “gun violence” is likely to be small at best, and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.” A 2013 Department of Justice memorandum came to the same conclusion. more here

29 Comments on Dick’s Sporting Goods/Field & Stream to Destroy Firearms Inventory


    …should not be given a tax allowance for this willing act of stupidity

    Spot on. This is NOT a cost of doing business, rather it is a cost of NOT doing business. No business expense deduction for those dicks (absence of comma intentional).

  2. Hey, Dick’s…..
    I have no problem with that, while you’re at it, why don’t you destroy the liberal, socialist, Marxist, Democrats that want to destroy this country??
    In case you are too damn stupid to understand how life works….It’s the criminals that are the problem, NOT the 99.99% of Americans that obey the laws of this country.

  3. On the plus side, the manufacturer of the said firearms gets to profit twice in replacing the firearms that are being destroyed to a different gun seller as no self respecting gun purchaser is going to purchase a firearm from Dicks or Field and Stream anyways.

  4. I wish I was a shareholder before all of this happened. I would sue the CEO, CFO, and the board of directors of intentionally causing the value of the company to decrease with the stock prices going dropping as much as they have.

    They will be out of business before Trump leaves the oval office.

  5. It’s not difficult to imagine the employees of Dick’s as replacements for the characters played by Nicole Kidman & her children in the movie, ” The Others “. It’s them who are the deceased. Not the people around them believed to be ghost. They’re the still living selling and buying sporting goods in the old Dick’s store locations.

  6. What a shame. A well-made rifle is truly a thing of beauty, with its smooth polished steel and wooden stock. Even if you never intend to shoot it, it’s a piece of art one can own.

    The precision that goes into designing and making it is amazing.

    And, hey, if you need it, you got it.

    As said above, guns aren’t the problem. People are.

  7. @deplorable dude April 21, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    > Dickless shareholders should sue, purposely destroying assets.

    Destroying assets? In one of those legally mandated, so everyone gets the information at the same time, conference calls to Wall Street analysts (Dick’s is a “public” company), Stack (the CEO) said that the intent of the policy was to reduce customer traffic and sales. “There are going to be the people who don’t shop us anymore for anything.”

  8. “There are going to be the people who don’t shop us anymore for anything.”

    Well I started that boycott after Sandy Hook. About a year ago the wife purchased some shoes there and I chewed her out for it. She hasn’t been back.

  9. The only Dick’s I go to is a fast food Hamburger chain, in Seattle. Good burgers, fabulous fries. Milk Shakes mad with real cream, decent wages for their employees and help with their college education.


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