Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling guns at 125 of its over 700 stores. – IOTW Report

Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling guns at 125 of its over 700 stores.

DC: The retail outlet, which tested the idea of removing guns entirely from its stock in 10 of its stores in 2018, will expand that concept and use the space in those stores to sell what it considers faster-selling, higher-margin items like outdoor recreation equipment and licensed sports gear, the The Wall Street Journal reported.

Sales have declined steadily of late — down 3.1 percent for fiscal year end Feb. 2 — since CEO Ed Stack’s decision to implement anti-gun measures such as the exclusion of under-21 buyers and the elimination of so-called “assault-style” weapons and high-capacity magazines, and Stack has acknowledged those decisions as a key factor.  more


29 Comments on Dick’s Sporting Goods to stop selling guns at 125 of its over 700 stores.

  1. I used to buy my children’s sporting goods at dick’s, but ceased when they started being anti2A. May account for their declining revenues. Fook ’em.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Don’t care. Don’t go there anyway.

    …it DOES have the distinction of having a sign in FRONT telling you what you’ll find INSIDE, though, so can’t accuse them of false advertising anyway…

  3. Since it tested removing guns from 10 of its stores and is now expanding that to more of them, I assume those 10 stores demonstrated increased sales and profits and the decline was in the others that still sell them.

    It’s what the customers want that counts, they apparently want customers that aren’t interested in guns and are finding them.

    Or else they’re being irresponsible to their stockholders.

    In the final analysis, it’s the customers that decide.

  4. “Sales have declined steadily of late — down 3.1 percent for fiscal year end Feb. 2 — since CEO Ed Stack’s decision to implement anti-gun measures…..”

    And this will help how?

  5. Provoke a boycott and then spin that the items at the source of the boycott are an underperforming segment. No 2A supporter goes to Dicks anymore.

    These Dicks are crooked.

    Maybe Nike sports bras, Under Armour caps, $300 Yeti coolers and soccer balls will keep all those stores afloat. Can I harrass you for a store credit card when you buy a $3 fishing lure and give you a receipt as long as your arm?

    I vote with my wallet.

  6. I am part of that 3.1% drop in their business. As soon as they signaled anti 2A last year, they lost my business FOREVER. In addition, I’ll steer business away from them in any way I can.

  7. I remember GI Joe’s (pre Dick’s) when I moved to Oregon, you could find anything in that store, any little part for your camping, fishing and auto parts.
    Dick’s indeed.
    What the heck happened.

  8. Back in the day GI Joes was the shit, by the time they became Joe’s they were expendable. I had quit patronizing them in the 1980’s.

    FWIW, they pulled the same stunt about thirty years ago about the time of the first of these phony baloney “assault weapon” dustups.

  9. They just opened a new Dick’s up North just down the block from the Target Store. I will probably never go in there because we have 2 far better locally owned sporting goods stores that have been around forever The White Elephant and The General Store which is also an Ace hardware store. They both have sold guns, fishing gear etc. and sporting goods for as long as I can remember. I’ll go there just like I always have.

  10. “I vote with my wallet.”

    Somewhere recently, I read that if voting actually changed anything it would be outlawed. That’s close to the truth.

    Wallet votes actually mean something. They aren’t canceled out by dead people, illegals, Micky Mouse or people voting more than once. In addition, no illegals, gang bangers or liberals will be buying guns at dick’s either.

  11. This is not new for them. In 2004 I went to A Dicks’ Outdoor store in Virginia Beach, not a gun in sight. The counterperson told me that it was too difficult to sell guns in Virginia. I shook my head and walked out. Have not set foot in one of their stores since that day.


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