Did America dodge a bullet over Hillary Clinton’s failing health? – IOTW Report

Did America dodge a bullet over Hillary Clinton’s failing health?

American Thinker: Hillary Clinton was spotted in public in New York, wearing what appeared to be a back brace, sticking out from her clothing despite her being covered up by a heavy coat and scarf in 80-degree weather.

The Daily Mail has an excellent set of paparazzi photos here.

So much for her physician’s “excellent” bill of health, something that should raise questions about the value of such reports, or else her medic’s credibility.  And it says a lot about Hillary Clinton herself that she continually lies about her increasingly obvious chronic health problems.

We’ve known for years that she’s had health problems.  She had a fall and a concussion in 2012, with blurry double-vision, requiring her to wear glasses, which seemed to be a factor in her resignation as secretary of state.

Out on the campaign trail, there were suspiciously long bathroom breaks, which made her late for her television appearances at at least one presidential candidates’ debate, quite a noticeable attention-getter.  Always, always, there were excuses – that the bathroom was too far away, that the whole bathroom needed to be cleared out for Hillary, so that Hillary could “go,” that women always take longer than men to do their business in the bathroom.  If any of that were true, it would have been worked out before the debate.  It wasn’t, and Hillary tried to laugh it off. read more

30 Comments on Did America dodge a bullet over Hillary Clinton’s failing health?

  1. It usually comes as a surprise to young people that some senior citizens are still able to hear, see, understand, and have the vigor to do a lot of things.
    Just as all young people are not in the best of health or vigor, so it goes for us old fogeys.
    We might long for the days before the doggone cell phone, but we love the internet, participate in marathons(we never win), walk about the country, and have all our little gray cells still.
    Donald Trump is like the energizer bunny, Hillary Clinton is like the wind up dog with a broken spring.
    just sayin’.

  2. You do realize that if she dies it’ll be Trump’s fault, don’t you?

    Somewhere, some way, somehow he’ll get blamed for destroying the poor frail.

    Mark my words.

  3. Vietvet, I just hope she dies in a straightforward fashion. Face-first, is okay, though. But seriously, if they can find a way, if there is any doubts about her death, they’ll give the investigation to Mueller.

  4. If Hillary passes out at McLame’s funeral, I hope she falls into the hole on top of McLame and the grave diggers don’t notice when they shovel the dirt back in.

    That’s a win-win! Two dirtbags with one chunck of dirt.

  5. That back brace looks a lot like one of those booster seats that kids have to sit in at IHOP or Denny’s. Is it possible that she is carting one of those around so that she doesn’t slip under the table when she is knocking back all that Chardonnay? After all, President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton was the most experienced person to ever run for anything in our country’s history, so she must be prepared for any eventuality at all times. Benghazi and Macedonian Content Farmers and Russians feeding Wickileaks all of her secrets doesn’t count as a black mark against her preparedness in her circle of successful women.

  6. I remember Christmas 2015, when I said to my Virtue signaling Democrat siblings, “You really want to run a candidate with neurological problems for President?” just as I was going out the door

    And of course they looked at me like I was a kind of circus curiosity for saying that, but i think I had a valid point, dont you?

    One insight I can give you all from living with libs for all my life is that their ability to think political issues through has degenerated remarkably in the last few years. Some of the things they say are jaw droppingly foolish for people who are as accomplished as some of them are

  7. Wait wait. What do they call it? The italian flu, where she appears so sick that she can’t go to prison? Yeah, that wouldn’t surprise me. She’s setting up the story so that people will feel sorry for her when she gets indicted.

  8. She’s really kind of pathetic – not that I have any sympathy, mind you – but imagine, if you will, this past-sell-date, frustrated, greedy, filthy-rich, legend-in-her-own-mind, Medea-n harpy, who can’t simply be at peace with all the shit she’s stolen and all the people she’s killed (or, more precisely, had killed). She vacillates between falling-down drunk and staggering through another (interminable) public display of victimhood.
    “Poor Pitiful Pearl” grossly expanded, considering the fortune she’s amassed without having EVER done a day of work in her entire life!
    Yes. Truly one of America’s tragic figures.
    She rails against the gods (she doesn’t seem to believe in the ONE TRUE GOD) and her hubris conquers her grotesque ambitions – she is unable to maintain silence in the face of her contempt for America – hence the “deplorables” quote.

    I would pity her if she weren’t so damned annoying.
    And nauseating.
    And criminal.
    And traitorous.
    And perverted.
    And angry.
    And hateful.
    And &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …


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