Did an aged activist set up the Buffalo police? – IOTW Report

Did an aged activist set up the Buffalo police?

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Many Americans understand that the riots aren’t righteous protests but are, instead, leftist activism aimed at destabilizing America and (the activists hope) destroying Trump’s chance at reelection. Still, people found shocking a video showing police in Buffalo pushing an old man to the ground where he lay with blood pouring from his ear. Don’t believe everything you see, though. The old man was a leftist activist looking for trouble and may have staged the whole thing.

If one views the video in a vacuum, it’s awful. A frail-looking old man standing alone against the Buffalo police is brutally pushed to the ground and left to lie there, bleeding.

Almost immediately after the video appeared, the police officers who pushed the man were charged with assault and suspended from the force. This tweet illustrates how effective the man’s fall was in advancing the anti-police narrative.


I’m not sure any single video since the murder of George Floyd gives us a more insightful glimpse into the minds of American police than this one.

Buffalo Police & friends are CHEERING for the 2 officers who brutally assaulted & then ignored the head injury of a 75 year old man.

When leftists control the narrative, though, assume that what you’re seeing is a lie. It took a little while for the truth to emerge, but we now know that Martin Gugino is a hard-left activist. In his Twitter feed, he says “F*** the police,” longs for Chicago, circa 1968, where the leftists violently rioted, supports Palestinian activism, and retweets theories that “undercover cops” are responsible for Minneapolis’s violent riots. Buffalo’s mayor, Byron Brown, said Gugino was an “agitator” whom the police had repeatedly asked to leave the area for trying to incite the crowd.

Footage has emerged showing Gugino hanging around with activists and boasting that he’s looking “for fun.” The shocked young man to whom he confided this said, “I think he’s looking to get punched in the face. That’s what it is.” more here

48 Comments on Did an aged activist set up the Buffalo police?

  1. Buffalo New York cops. “Hey look Carl, a camera.”

    Hard to tell what his intent was. He gave the Coppers an opportunity to sin and they jumped all over that shit.

  2. Yes, a setup. You can buy fake blood by the gallon. Clear plastic tubing in 100 yard spools. Mandatory face masks makes for easy hiding. 75 year old activist still stirring up trouble.

  3. That prick was there to gather intel, the personal info from the police (on their phones) and intel from the police communication devices which can be relayed back to back of the line positions, so these positions, leaders and coordinators, can give direction to troops.

    It’s a modern new device battle tactic.

    And it’s agitprop, he was supposed to ‘be perceived’ as some kind of old guy wading into a bunch of police officers, it was ANYTHING but that.

    Be prepared for more of these pysche ops with the help of the disgusting Fourth and Fifth Estates.

    h/t – sundance and the Conservador:


  4. Need a medical professional here, but I don’t think you bleed out of your ears for many a minute after the head injury. The back of his head should have bled pretty quickly. I know this from several failed gravity experiments…

  5. Ok, Boomer. Looked like a soccer dive too hard to me. And not to concerned about the Covid, either.

    And yes, Ghost that is the fact. Looks like the cops know to push them away fast, hard and down. I hope the guy had his LifeAlert.

  6. The cop barely tapped the dude and yeah NBA foul.

    As for me and wife, what a lovely day we had today, brushing up on our familiarity with our firearms.
    Don’t come down our driveway. Wife will kill you with one shot.

  7. Ghost is right, it was agitprop theater and nothing more. Optics that the activist knew would be reported as planned, by the communist propaganda mouthpiece “mainstream” media.

  8. I had just finished watching the “Scandal in Bohemia” Sherlock Holmes episode when I saw this. That is exactly what Jeremy Brett did to gain access to Irene Adler’s home in order to find the damning photograph. Arranged for a “fall” with fake blood too, in order to gain her sympathy. Man, that was written a long time ago! Someone else must like those stories.

  9. “Wife will kill you with one shot.”

    Can’t imagine you having any other kind based on your revelations here. Where do you find them? Asking for a friend. 🙂

  10. the guy went down, crossed his legs, laid his phone down, was seen clutching something in his left hand (fake blood pump?) … not the actions of one who’s back of the head busted open & was concussed … & he was reported joking w/ the EMT’s that picked him up

    one only needs the hospital medical report to verify this … shouldn’t be too hard to get

  11. PHenry

    Hot tip for poor mans reactive targets. Make a run to your closet metal salvager, recycler. you are looking for 1/2 thick aluminum plate aprox 8 inched wide, 12 inches long. Drill a .750 dia hole in the center near the top. along the 8 inches. Purchase a Shepherds hook from The Home Depot, you’re all set. Pistol. Handles 45 acp easily. I’ve got 6 of them and they are great to transition thru. Dumped 500 9 mil rounds on them yesterday.

  12. MerryMouse the Jeremy Brett Grenada series was excellent. I enjoyed stories very much, and Peter Cushing as Holmes, but Brett took the brass ring, as far as I’m concerned, in film.

  13. These old reds are treacherous bastards. Remember this one?

    Armed 69-year-old ‘antifascist’ shot dead after firebombing immigration centre


    The Puget Sound region is lousy with them. I’ve known quite a few of them over the years.

    The “Catholic priest” subterfuge is quite popular. They are about as far removed from the Catholic faith as V Lenin. They are Marxist/Leninist revolutionaries and when you get right down to it are atheists

  14. So glad to see this–I thought it was fishy from the beginning! Looked like he was touching the cops with something, I mean who does that–those are not regular cops!

  15. What a crock of bullshit. You don’t FAKE bleeding out of the external auditory meatus. That blood comes from a skull fracture and ruptured meninges. And it CAN happen almost instantly if the trauma is significant. People at that age generally have poor balance. Sometimes they trip over their own feet and fall….resulting in serious and occasionally fatal head injuries. This old man may have been an agitator and a world class ash hole…doesn’t matter. He posed ZERO threat to the officers, he never touched them and he did not impede their progress. If he had done something illegal than the officers should have arrested and charged him. Instead they committed Felony Assault…..which if he dies SHOULD be upgraded to Manslaughter. THIS type of blatant, unnecessary pointless violence by cops is why so many people consider them the enemy, an occupying army and for some…targets.

  16. @ PHenry,

    You mean I can’t come over and bring you a scotch?

    My take on this is:
    It looks really ugly the way the guy fell but the police officers didn’t give him much of a push.
    He would have received NO PUSH from if he was not in their faces agitating them in the first place.
    Obviously, an order was given to move forward from superiors which they were doing.
    The guy was looking for some trouble and found more than he was able to handle.
    He also made a movement towards one officers belt/weapons with his phone in hand.
    Fuck Him!

  17. @Anonymous Erik–I agree 100% I have the whole boxed set. I read the story first then watch the DVD. You can learn a lot from Sherlock Holmes! Jeremy Brett was the greatest!I am so glad Granada stuck to (mostly) the original dialogues.

  18. @Dan – why did he approach?? IF not to confront? Are you on the job?? Do you know this man’s intention in approaching a riot squad?? Was it to say Merry FUCKING Christmas or something??

    We can see from the vid what the intentions were and the third officer saw it and reacted. That old ‘geezer’ was fodder for your masses and mess. Let’s ‘send in the old guy’ that has memories of the summer of ’68. I GET IT.

    Just answer the question. Why did he approach? Out of LOVE???

  19. MerryMouse, I have the set, too. Brett could raise an eyebrow and speak volumes. I’ll never forget: You remove the band from a cigar before lighting it; otherwise you’ll be put down for a bounder.

    Although I seem to remember him saying Havana, not cigar.

  20. How old is that guy??

    This is like bringing a child to a protest. It’s just a no, no Dan. That’s not right, that’s not correct to allow that, who does that, in your outrage?? Really?

    I smell a rotten egg. Everything must be questioned and this vid slow mo proves it to me.

  21. Dan’s on the money here. If the old guy was trying to start some problems I’m confident in my ability to gently move him out of the way of the stampede of militarized government storm troopers and defuse his shit. Who knows what the old guy was up to. Cops of old would have handled this properly. If the old guy was trying to expose something about this department, I think he was successful.

  22. For some the left has successfully accomplished the deception – “Feeble Older ‘Peaceful Protester’ Brutalized by Police”. The gullible bought this crap – socialist hook, line and sinker.

    The guy is proven to be an old guard of the left. Someone who has been a diehard leftist most of his life and dedicated to cause destruction – by any means necessary, including putting himself in danger to the point of injury or even death.
    This “peaceful protester” is a sophisticated, experienced communist agitator and very skilled at insighting violence. Criminal behavior that warrants procecution.

    He was indeed impeding the police – exactly as planned. He used his age induced feeble balance to set up the police and play the victim. He knew he was crossing a police crowd control formation order, effectively used in this incident.

    The old bastard played his role perfectly. The world is shedding tears for this snake.

  23. If not his hospital records maybe a sample of that red liquid on the side walk. Seems to me he went down awfully easy, something smells like a hogs ass here, but I’m not sure exactly where it’s coming from.

  24. seaoh

    Let’s assume this guy was up to no good. He might have been. Should this department or agency have the skill level to diffuse this old man and send him on his way unharmed. I say yes. They suck and medical reports from the crafty habitual criminal are not necessary. This PD sucks.

  25. So if they get their wish and abolish the police department just who would they call when someone commits a crime? Hello, social justice warrior department, I want to report somebody hurting my feelings.

  26. I haven’t even seen the “old man” video, but if anything looks faked and staged it’s the George Floyd “killing” video montage…
    and that was before I read the stories about the nightclub connections and all the other oddities surrounding the event!
    Sea Eye Aye wink wink.

  27. His phone needs to be confiscated and studied for apps that steal info.

    If true, he was committing a crime on that level too.

    Phones and anything with an RFID chip – like credit cards – should be enclosed for protection while in crowds. Think Faraday cage material.

    I keep turning my bluetooth off, but I keep finding turned back on. Not happy about that. My CC cards are in an RFID reader-proof case in my pocket when I leave the truck.

  28. Toenex: “So if they get their wish and abolish the police department just who would they call when someone commits a crime?”

    they’ll set up a speed dial system
    press one if …
    then order a pizza and see which gets there first

    he shouldn’t have been pushed, he should have been pulled, then subdued, and thrown in the paddy wagon

  29. Bad Brad the INSP network had a Randolph Scott western movie weekend on Saturday and Sunday, it was a great Scott time. They saved the best one for last The Desperadoes from 1943 (in color) with Glenn Ford last night. I enjoyed watching all 5 of the movies they showed this weekend.

  30. I would remind everyone of the eggshell skull doctrine;


    Sadly, the cops got duped into making this old commie rich.

    What is he, about a buck 40 max? He could have been brushed aside with little effort, but instead, he baited rather young looking officers, probably with very little experience, to push him right into a major civil suit.

    To me it looked like they were taking their cue from the supervisor with the gold badge behind them, he is the one that yelled, “Move it” and pushed the front officer forward, where is his culpability?


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