Did Beto paint Obama as a nazi? – IOTW Report

Did Beto paint Obama as a nazi?

DefConNews: Beto O’Rourke’s presidential camping is circling the drain and this certainly won’t help. The slacker doofus just called former president Barack Obama a Nazi, which according to liberal rules is an act of racism even for liberals. While trying to make a fake point about Trump’s “racism” O’Rourke accidentally proved that Obama had a lot in common with the leaders of the Third Reich. The only thing that will save Beta O’Dork from this is that nobody is even paying attention to him anymore.

O’Rourke did an interview with The Washington Post deemed so unimportant they didn’t even hide behind their paywall. O’Rourke, as he frequently does, started reeling off his list of lies he thinks proves President Trump is a raging racist:

“For this President to describe some, based on their ethnicity, as rapists and criminals,” began O’Rourke.

Fact Check: Trump said some illegal aliens from Mexico were rapists and criminals and he wasn’t president at the time. Unless “illegal alien” is an ethnicity, this is a lie.

“To ask four women of color, duly elected by their constituents to the U.S. Congress, to go back to their home country,” said O’Rourke.

Fact Check: Trump invited America-hater Ilhan Omar to go back to her native Somalia to gain some perspective on how great this country is and come back with a renewed  appreciation. He never told any of the other insipid “Squad” members to GTFO.

“To try to ban all people of one religion from the shores of a country that is comprised of people from every tradition of faith, every walk of life of the planet over,” O’Rourke said.

Fact Check: President Trump’s travel ban consisted of 7 countries, only 5 of which were Muslim majority, and it didn’t effect the vast majority of the wold’s Muslim population. As an added bonus, this list of countries was compiled by the Obama administration because these places have bad record keeping and are state sponsors of terrorism.

That was bad, but this is worse:

13 Comments on Did Beto paint Obama as a nazi?

  1. It’s not what he said or meant that counts, it’s what people believe he said and meant.

    And the people are lucky to have the MSM to tell them what that is so they don’t have to waste time thinking about it for themselves.

    Something like that.

  2. Poor Beano – a pecker gnat – an inconsequential braying ass – a diseased-infested mosquito – fundamentally a nuisance – with delusions of adequacy.
    If he’da been hatched a duck, he’d be that ill-starred, dimwitted duck that attacked the Bobcat while all the other ducks laughed and scattered into the pond.

    The problem for Beano is that he isn’t even entertaining. He’s become strident – like the hysterical hens in the klown kar – and now elicits pity and “Gee, I’m sure glad my son didn’t turn out like that.”

    Oh well, on to Booger!
    What’s the next stupid shit to come out of his pie hole?
    At least with the wall-eye he’s funnier to look at than Beano’s poor imitation Joe Cocker arm waving schtick.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @MJA October 24, 2019 at 2:59 pm

    > Why is he still in the race? At this point he’s just sitting on somebody’s lap in the clown car.

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful.
    And Mayor Pete’s lap is so delightful.
    And, since we’ve no place to go.
    Peach foaty-fie! Foaty-fie! Foaty-fie!

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