Did Bruce Jenner get breast implants? – IOTW Report

Did Bruce Jenner get breast implants?

Page Six: Bruce Jenner has undergone breast implant surgery, a huge step in his transformation to a woman, a bombshell report claims.

The Olympic hero had the procedure done “a few weeks ago” and didn’t go overboard on the new rack, says RadarOnline.

“He went with a smaller implant because he didn’t want to look ridiculous,” a source close to Jenner told the website.

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20 Comments on Did Bruce Jenner get breast implants?

  1. It’s really kinda sad watching a man’s descent into madness and see that he’s being enabled by people who should know better.

    Physicians should not encourage the mentally ill in surrendering to the demons of their mental illness.

  2. Instead of trying to adapt his body to fit his/her feelings, the pitiful bastard would be a lot better off if he had the guts to learn to adapt his feelings to fit his body. Now his feelings will haunt him all the way to the grave.

    He will never be a woman and, therefore, he will never be happy. Just a sorry ass sniveling, confused, freak. It makes me sick just to look at him.

  3. If you are a doctor or friend and someone came to you with their “belief since birth” that they were supposed to be blind or only have one arm and were looking for support for their decision to remove their body part surgically to match their “innate identity”, wouldn’t you do all you could to get them help for their mental illness?

    I simply don’t understand why segments of society have decided to capitulate to people’s mental illness instead of actually helping them.

    Where does it stop? Yes Mohammed, I know your belief since birth is that you should kill the Infidels, let me help you sharpen your knives and embrace your “stepping into your true identity.”

    Yes, I know you believe that you are possessed by Satanic spirits and the voices tell you to hurt others, let me help you by keeping notes on who you should hurt so you don’t get confused.

    Yes, I know you believe your are drug addicted because you were born from an addict mother, let me go get you more drugs because, that’s who you were born to be, why in the world would we want you to be someone you are not?

    It’s utterly absurd.

  4. @Benito, May or June according to the article.

    I was just idly wondering about this new ‘trend’ that’s accelerating our descent into a completely fucked up society.
    And I thought, “I wonder what you get for somebody who is doing what Jenner is doing?”
    Wouldja believe they’ve got “greeting cards” out for this?
    I shit you not!
    Beam me up, Scotty!


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