Did Chris Wallace replace Biden as the Democrat nominee? – IOTW Report

Did Chris Wallace replace Biden as the Democrat nominee?

Patriot Retort:

[…] Other than Chris Wallace being the biggest loser, I can’t say who won the debate.

Biden didn’t drool all over the lectern or wander off backstage, so the media will praise him and claim he got the better of Trump.

But if Biden hadn’t been repeatedly rescued by Chris Wallace every time Trump challenged him, it would have been a disastrous night for Biden. I mean, his campaign didn’t need to give him an ear-bud what with Chris Wallace there to pull old Joe’s nuts out of the fire.

I will concede that Trump’s constant barrage of interruptions often got in his own way. He is much better when he can hit his opponent with a single knock-out punch. As a result of the constant barrage, Trump often let one-punch knock-outs slip past him.

And you know something? That is the same criticism I made of Trump after his first debate against Hillary and Lester Holt.

I can’t help but wonder if Trump uses the first debate against an opponent to throw everything he can at the wall to see what sticks.

Unlike the typical career DC politician, Trump doesn’t have a long history with Biden. For a year and a half, Joe has been hurling slanders and lies at Donald Trump unchallenged. Last night was the very first time these two came face-to-face in an election season that began in January of 2019.

I wonder if Trump used last night’s debate as his first face-to-face opportunity to size up his opponent, find his weaknesses, and determine what lines of attack cause the most damage.

Because this is exactly what Trump did in 2016. READ MORE

9 Comments on Did Chris Wallace replace Biden as the Democrat nominee?

  1. If Trump didn’t win, why is the MSM trying to stop future debates?
    BTW, Dan Bongino has a theory similar to Dianny’s and gives more insight.
    I will post the radio show link tonight.

    And- regarding the Jesse Kelly tweet;
    If you go way back you will see that a few pres candidates called each others’ wives whores and prostitutes. It was brutal back then.

  2. “Attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse demands Biden retract white supremacist ad featuring client – September 30, 2020 01:45 PM

    “An attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse demanded a retraction from Joe Biden after the 17-year-old appeared to be featured in an advertisement about white supremacy.

    L. Lin Wood, who is Rittenhouse’s defamation attorney, warned Biden that a video he posted on Wednesday featuring President Trump’s remarks on the far-right group known as the Proud Boys wrongfully accused Rittenhouse of being a white supremacist and a member of a militia…”

    Fallout from the setup created by Wallace-Biden during last evening’s debate, er scheme to push Trump into a corner with limited options to not look bad resisting the effort or whatever the heck it was.

    https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/attorney-for-kyle-rittenhouse-demands-biden-retract-white-supremacist-ad-featuring-client .


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