Did Comey’s Informants Fabricate Russian Collusion Evidence? – IOTW Report

Did Comey’s Informants Fabricate Russian Collusion Evidence?

Daily Caller:  [ John D. O’Connor | The attorney who revealed Mark Felt as Watergate’s Deep Throat]

In our nation’s worst governmental scandal, Watergate, the Federal Bureau of Investigation heroically kept widespread White House corruption from being concealed, eventually reviving important prosecutions. Sadly, in today’s increasingly convoluted moral universe, senior FBI officials, it now appears, have tried to artificially create serious “Russiagate” crimes, thereby becoming implicated in a scandal promising to be nastier than Watergate. Congress presently awaits DOJ documents which may or may not confirm what presently seem reasonable inferences of such FBI wrongdoing.

In Watergate, the White House and senior DOJ officials attempted to limit the investigation to the seven arrested members of the burglary team caught penetrating the DNC Headquarters in the Watergate Office Building. Deputy Associate FBI Director Mark Felt, to prevent the FBI from becoming complicit in a politicized investigation, met with the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward to avoid this corruption through public exposure. The FBI deserves its honor as the unsung hero of Watergate, refusing to become politicized.

However, one perverse lesson of Watergate is that Felt would have received great perks and personal laurels if he had gone along with the corrupt political program. Heeding a lesson not intended by Felt, FBI Director James Comey engaged in acrobatic contortions during the 2016 election to help presumed President-Elect Hillary Clinton to escape serious criminal charges in the email and related obstruction probes. But this blatant politicization pales in comparison to emerging evidence that Comey’s team, working with John Brennan’s partisan CIA, and partnering with British intelligence agency GCHQ, had attempted to fabricate serious Trump-Russia electoral interference crimes akin to treason.

The ”Russian collusion” inquiry began in December 2015 (not, as claimed, on July 31, 2016), with a tip from GCHQ to Brennan that Putin wished to financially support a Donald Trump presidential candidacy. Nothing has yet emerged, in subsequent FISA warrant applications or elsewhere in leaks, to suggest that the tip was anything but phony. But on December 28, 2015, after Brennan had hurriedly formed a special “inter-agency” group, one of Comey’s top aides Peter Strzok was attempting to get approval for “LUREs,” Fedspeak for spies, inferentially to penetrate the Trump campaign. All of this would have been well and good if there had been a solid basis to suspect criminal activity by the Trump campaign. But, it now appears, rather than dismiss the inaccurate tip as disinformation, the FBI tried to manufacture evidence where none had existed, hoping real wrongdoing would eventually be found. Thus started an investigation without a crime, long a Comey specialty.

Soon a seeming British plant (associated with UK’s Claire Smith) with Russian connections, Joseph Mifsud, became greatly interested in London-based George Papadopoulos after he was named a Trump advisor on Russian issues in March 2016. Mifsud, whom we should now view as wearing an FBI uniform through his sponsor GCHQ, told Papadopoulos days later of Russian-hacked Clinton emails, and introduced him ostentatiously to a number of Russians. Because Mifsud could be sold to the public as a Russian agent, given his wide array of Russian connections, when Papadopoulos was later indicted for misstating the timing of his Mifsud conversations, American citizens, understandably, could smell Russian collusion. But it was, it seems now, really interaction with a disguised GCHQ actor working under the aegis of the FBI.  more here

9 Comments on Did Comey’s Informants Fabricate Russian Collusion Evidence?

  1. It is like the never ending search for leprechauns. Russian involvement can’t be proven, especially when the DNC Will not allow searches of their computers. They are just trying to cover their own arses!

  2. The ” Hurricane of Anarchy-2018″ is now being loosed on the law abiding citizens of America by the socialist-democrats or whatever they are calling themselves this week. We need to be brave, vigilant and above all, prepared to survive food shortages, electrical & communications outages and medical situations. It can go critical very quickly when the looting begins and the store shelves are bare.

  3. So they’re gonna throw Comey and his FBI, CIA cohorts under the bus just to let Hillary slide on her National Security breech, destruction of evidence, perjury, ethics, laws and corrupt Clinton Foundation?

    The deep state eats its own to protect the Queen of Arkansas.

    They all should be indicted and prosecuted.

  4. If you want to watch a great, well acted movie about Watergate and the role of the FBI in Nixon’s downfall, catch “Mark Felt-The Man Who Brought Down The White House” starring Liam Neeson as the Assistant Director. It’s a great contrast to Comey’s FBI covering up for Clinton and trying to frame Trump.

  5. Did they fabricate evidence? Let’s ask them. Oh, that’s right they’ve disappeared. How come our Congressional Inquisitors are not asking Rod and Wray about that?


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