Did Epstein’s Island truly shut down, or did it just move? – IOTW Report

Did Epstein’s Island truly shut down, or did it just move?


There’s a lot of weird shit that is slowly coming out in the fallout of #FTX going bankrupt…

FTX was founded in 2019 and somehow managed to quickly become the biggest name in crypto

Sponsored the MLB and basketball arenas, SBF heavily lobbying members of Congress, his face is all over the place as “the next Warren Buffet”

How’d he elevate to such a position so quickly? Let’s look at his parents

His dad has written about & made a career off of getting rid of the “cash economy” and helping the govt find tax evasion (odd that his son his the biggest name in crypto). His mom is a major dem operative

13 Comments on Did Epstein’s Island truly shut down, or did it just move?

  1. Both the Democrats and the establishment Republicans had his back. This scam was a progressive movement slush fund and would be going strong but for the guy who sent out a tweet that set off a “run on the bank.”

    If you don’t think the Republican establishment was not in on this, you are a damn fool.

    As Rush always said: Follow the money and, and, and just exactly how many establishment Republican politicians lost their ass in this? Trust me they have access to the same insider info as the Democrats and knew the score.


  2. It’s a big club, and they are beating us over the head with it. Trump was enemy number one in DC. The democrats were vocal about it. The Republicans were just more subtle.

  3. Okay, now listen up libs who are lurking here, JD’s gonna school ya. Whenever you see a guy who is living a scripted and conspicuously frugal life of public poverty, but in their private lives are secretive about their lavish lifestyles, it’s part of a larger con job.

    This morning real estate that has been on the marked for months dropped massively in price here in near 90% Biden/Inslee voter haven. I ride the train to/from work and listen to individuals who are all in on pixi dust and unicorn farts and they have to be down with the current thing or they can’t be in with the in crowd.

    Can you say liquidity crunch? There is a lot of “wealth” in these accounts that has paper on it and is being used to collateralize debts that have dropped in value to the degree the loans either have to be collateralized with other assets or they come due.

    It’s not only FTX, bitcoin is going to all drop massively in value and homes are going to be put on the market, cars sold, Rolexes, and everything these people are holding MUST be made liquid pronto or the whole fucking house of cards is coming down.

  4. A brilliant young cryptocurrency pioneer named Nikolai Mushegian tweeted on Oct. 28 that intelligence agencies were going to murder him — and was found dead on a Puerto Rico beach hours later.

    “CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and Caribbean islands,” Mushegian, a developer of blockchain-based decentralized finance platforms who wanted to end global banking corruption, tweeted at 4:57 a.m. “They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex [girlfriend] who was a spy. They will torture me to death.”


  5. Okay guys, If Elon Musk had not bought Twitter…. The tweet that set off the run on the bank that exposed this whole shitaramma would not have seen the light of day. Any questions about the uniform and scripted meltdown over “why so upset about free communication” have just been answered for ya.

  6. The whole Epstien fiasco provided cover for the rich and powerful pedophiles destroying our societies and our lives. They are still out there and so are their victims. Of course it moved and there will never be an end to it.
    Epstien is the Oswald of the 21st century.


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