Did General David Petraeus Let The Ukrainian Cat Out Of The Bag? – IOTW Report

Did General David Petraeus Let The Ukrainian Cat Out Of The Bag?

GP: The disgraced General and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, David Petraeus, appears to have a touch of schizophrenia. During an interview with France’s L’Express last Saturday, retired General Petraeus first insisted that Ukraine has the Russians on the run. more

7 Comments on Did General David Petraeus Let The Ukrainian Cat Out Of The Bag?

  1. “…Game over. The Russians are beat…”

    Hardly, loser. The Russians are the cat, while Ukraine and NATO (aka USA) are the mouse. Pootey is content to drag this conflict out for as long as it takes for the idiot elites in DC (donkeys AND RINOS) to deplete our defense capabilities. It’s a variation of what Reagan did to Gorbachev back in the 80’s.

  2. If only we had fair elections… well, not holdin my breath.

    We need to stop our corrupt government send billions to another corrupt government – purportedly to keep anyone from seeing the corruption. That is the only stake our ‘country’ (aka: our corrupt leaders) have in this psychotic war, which the real America has no stake in.

  3. I ain’t braggin’, but I think my joke about Petraeus banging his paramour in his office under his desk was pretty darned good, maybe the funniest joke about General Petraeus ever told and will likely not be surpassed during this millennia.

    Drumroll, please;

    Under his desk, General Petraeus was showing her how his schwerpunkt drives him to a victorious climax, while she was showing him how a double envelopment can be extremely effective.

  4. Spreading lies and confusion.
    This dissimulation will be used as “evidence” of “transparency” at some later date.
    Lap dogs and toadies still have their uses – and Petraeus can never separate himself from the swamp – he is the epitome of a swamp creature – smoothly duplicitous and as trustworthy as a snake.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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