Did he ask Gwyneth about getting his vagina steamed? – IOTW Report

Did he ask Gwyneth about getting his vagina steamed?

Fauci held Zoom call with Gwyneth Paltrow, Kim Kardashian, Ashton Kutcher, Katy Perry on COVID-19. “I was impressed by the questions they asked,” said Dr. Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease scientist.

24 Comments on Did he ask Gwyneth about getting his vagina steamed?

  1. Isn’t this just Swampy! Bring on the empty sluts! This little runt appears to be two timing President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. There will be Hell to pay when the Chardonnay starts running dry in Chappaqua. Better get some more security for this politically correct National Treasure Hunter.

  2. Maybe someone should throw a dead fish under the back seat to rot and stink to high heaven like Walter Matthau did to Jack Lemon in Grumpy Old Men. Or want to come over to Fauci’s house and Gwinneth’s house as well and prepare some stinky, slimy, snot like Lutefisk.

  3. whole bunch of movie stars and some sports figures, and they wanted to know about what they could do to stay safe, about wearing masks and avoiding crowds,” said Fauci

    Famous people be all like, “So when they say to wear a mask and avoid crowds, what does that mean?” *wink*wink*

    and Fauci is all like, “That means you wear a mask and avoid crowds.”

    Famous people be all like, “That seems complicated, can you break it down for us?”

    and Fauci is all like, “The more famous I become the more complicated it gets. I see where you are coming from.”

    Fauci continues, “When cameras are pointed at you, the mask goes on and you pretend to always be 6 feet away from anyone.”

    Famous people be all like, “That’s interesting..”

    Fauci goes on, “And if you’re caught not doing these things you say you were drinking or eating…”

    Famous people interrupt, “You mean common people don’t pretend?”

    Fauci, “No, common people can’t pretend.”

    Famous people, “Okay, that clears it up, we already know we’re better than the rest.”

    I imagine it went something like that…

  4. Because he knew he would not get any questions about why Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, said it was not at all good for use in controlling an epidemic. Or why Kary Mullis said his test could easily be manipulated to produce false positives when convenient or false negatives when convenient. Or why iterations of the PCR are set to 40, when Fauci himself said in July that anything above 34 would produce numerous false positives. Those questions would have been soooo borrrrring, amiright?

    Dr. Fauci, is Trump just a big mean asshole, or what?

    Dr. Fauci, what enchants you most about working with PE Biden?

  5. American Society for Microbiology recommends a cutoff of 30 cycles for detecting SARS-CoV-2 (Xi virus). Someone at WUWT joked that the CDC and WHO were looking for homeopathic infection.

    Fauci is an indictment of the federal services. The scum rises to the top.

  6. No doubt Dr. Fauxci was asked by the Hollywood Dingbat Slut Squad what is his favorite ice cream. Example of a “hard hitting” question Bejing Biden gets all the time from lefist “journalists”.

  7. Hey Gwyn, how about a Rotting Flesh Candle?
    Faustus could volunteer for his impending worldly exit… 👿

    I’m working on a deal with Satan to swap Sean Connery for Tony the Weasel… stay tuned. 🙂


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