“Did Hunter Biden Commit a Crime?” Joe Biden Caught Off Guard After Confronted Over Hunter Biden Scandal – IOTW Report

“Did Hunter Biden Commit a Crime?” Joe Biden Caught Off Guard After Confronted Over Hunter Biden Scandal

Trending Politics:

During an event on Friday at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Delaware, former Vice President Joe Biden had a press conference where he revealed his administration officials.

As the event wrapped up, one reporter shouted at Biden, “Did Hunter Biden commit a crime? Have you spoken to your son?”

Biden was clearly caught off guard as he froze, then said, “I’m proud of my son” as he bolted.

11 Comments on “Did Hunter Biden Commit a Crime?” Joe Biden Caught Off Guard After Confronted Over Hunter Biden Scandal

  1. As soon as Biden is sworn in he can claim any attempted prosecution of Hunter is just a political move to get at him and give Hunter a pardon.

    And the Left, the ones that got him elected, will overtly support and praise him for it.

  2. Two years from now we’ll still be asking, “ Why isn’t Hunter Biden in jail yet?”, long after Ivanka Trump is convicted and sentenced for misuse of funds from President Trump’s inauguration.

  3. Thirdwin, you are probably right about Ivanka, and Corey, and Rudy, they will try to go after Sydney as well. But no, we won’t be saying why isn’t Hunter in jail, because we will have learned long before then (some of us already know now) that nothing ever ever happens to those on the other side. Only our side is targeted, held accountable and will be subjected to the rapacious capricious manner of the newly evolved judicial system.

    I’ve given up and grown old waiting for those evil doers to face justice, at least here on earth. The Biden’s, just like the Clinton’s, all those mired in the Deep State, all those crooked LE punks in the FBI, and all the dirty two-bit players complicit in the election heist, all will walk, giddy in the knowledge that honor is for suckers.

    Of course, they will have Judgement Day in front of their maker to look forward to, but that is of little comfort to me now.

  4. It’s going to be a horrid 4 years.

    Biden is beyond intolerable to listen to, but nothing, even the voices of hillary, obamination, or his ‘wife’, is more horrible than watching and hearing that robotic Harris. She has the demeanor and infection of a police robot in ELYSIUM!

    That voice and persona could be used by the CIA to break anybody’s resolve.


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