Did Hunter Biden Help China Steal Nuclear Technology? – IOTW Report

Did Hunter Biden Help China Steal Nuclear Technology?


When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke before the November election, the legacy media that functions as the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party swung into action and largely buried the story.  Now, four months into the disastrous Biden Administration, the scope of the corruption of the Biden family is only just now beginning to bubble to the surface.  Hunter was, it appears, the bagman for a family enterprise vacuuming up cash around the world. The true story may be much worse than that, however.  Hunter may be directly tied to Chinese espionage.

The China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) is a state-owned firm and is part of the Chinese government. It is controlled by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).  It has been implicated in the theft of highly sensitive American technology and the provision of that technology to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  In fact, it appears that the General Nuclear Power Corporation was created for the sole purpose of stealing American nuclear secrets. MORE HERE

10 Comments on Did Hunter Biden Help China Steal Nuclear Technology?

  1. Do these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS think that the ChiComs respect them. If they ever take us over the ChiComs will put these no good TRAITOROUS BASTARDS up against the wall as fast as they can. Nobody respects a TRAITOR!

  2. Life on the Cocaine Train, stealing $Millions and paid for by China.
    Treason is never the charge for the elite. As a matter of fact, investigations are covered up, no indictments or prosecution.
    The Biden, Kerry and China corruption, full steam ahead.


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