Did Joe Biden funnel Ukraine aid money into his own wallet, through Hunter Biden? – IOTW Report

Did Joe Biden funnel Ukraine aid money into his own wallet, through Hunter Biden?

The Full Extent of Joe Biden’s Corruption.

Mr. Reagan: Over the past few days, I dug into Biden’s history in Ukraine. What I found was astonishing. Watch the video to see the full extent of Biden’s corruption.

SNIP: What about Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Clintons, John Kerry and 0bama? How much tax payer aid to foreign countries end up in US officials’ pockets, even today?

18 Comments on Did Joe Biden funnel Ukraine aid money into his own wallet, through Hunter Biden?

  1. Pretty soon people will replace the term “Trust Fund Baby” with “Congress Baby”. Apparently Paul Pelosi Jr. is on the run from the FBI over a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend, but some interesting info is coming to light visa vi Ukraine connections regarding his use of his mother’s name to secure a deal or deals with a gas company there. Apparently Jr. invokes his mother’s name regularly in his business dealings. Or so I read.

  2. This is widespread and deep.

    Check out the friends and relatives of Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, yada, yada, yada …
    Anybody remember the guy (whose wife worked on the Obola campaign) who “donated” $3500 to that campaign and then got a multi-million dollar “green” window development contract? This is “SOP” in DC – pay to play – ax y’seff: “Why hasn’t anyone followed up the $700 $Billion TARP money that “disappeared?”
    Cuz it dribbled into the pockets of politicians from both parties.

    When President Trump talks about “The Swamp” he isn’t simply referring to the “Deep State” treasonous maggots in the Spook Agencies and FBI, but to the whole DC culture of corruption that makes the Banana Republics of Central America look honest.
    Joey’s just one of those who’s dumb enough to talk about it in public – and they’re defending him because he’s liable to expose the whole shitty cesspool.
    (oh, dig through a budget bill sometime)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Add McCain and Graham to that list. Why would Lindsey promise no witnesses just a quick vote to shut down. He and McCain are just as dirty. Their schemes to have Ukraine etc send back a portion of funds.

    They should all be arrested and prosecuted for stealing from taxpayers.

    And it makes sense why Pelosi and Schiff would vote impeachment and send to senate knowing Graham would never allow a show trial for fear of being exposed. Disgusting.

  4. Sundance nailed it: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2019/12/08/wow-oan-stunning-lutsenko-interview-outlines-marie-yovanovitch-perjury-george-kent-impeachment-motive-lindsey-graham-motive-to-bury-investigation/

    Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse explains exactly Biden and McConnell continually direct money to all senators. The result is blackmail and complete corruption.

    After reading this article, I came to the conclusion that the only hope for our nation is God. The corruption is so deep and blackmail so widespread that it cannot be eradicated by human means.


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