Did Joe Biden Implicate Barack Obama in Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Scandal? – IOTW Report

Did Joe Biden Implicate Barack Obama in Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Scandal?

They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president—the president said’ … I said, ‘Call him.’ I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ I said, you’re not getting the billion. … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a b—-. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

With those words, it appears Biden implicated Barack Obama in the quid pro quo scandal. 


Barack Obama has not been shy when it comes to criticizing his successor, but he’s been MIA when it comes to defending his former vice president, Joe Biden. He was conspicuously silent when Joe Biden faced allegations of racism for his past opposition to busing and working with segregationist Democrats. Biden clearly survived the temporary controversy because, I suspect, most people deep down recognize that Biden is not a racist.

But this Ukraine business is another matter entirely. Obama could be out there contradicting allegations of impropriety—in fact, he should be because his own vice president has been accused of a quid pro quo. Obama may want to be neutral in the 2020 Democratic primary, but his administration has a fresh quid pro quo allegation and Obama remains tight-lipped about it.

Biden can’t seem to handle this scandal alone. In the past week, he outright lied about whether he discussed his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings with Ukraine, and seems very defensive about it.

Despite Biden’s claims that everything was proper, we have video evidence of Joe Biden bragging about his role in the firing of Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin back in 2016. Shokin was investigating corruption at Burisma Holdings, a Ukranian natural gas firm that Biden’s son Hunter had a high paying job at. Biden told Ukranian president Petro Poroshenko he would withhold a $1 billion loan unless Poroshenko fired Shokin. read more

SNIP: By now, I think we all know why slowJoe wants to become president.
To stop all investigations and cover his and his kid’s bony asses.

Here. Let ABC tell you about it:

13 Comments on Did Joe Biden Implicate Barack Obama in Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Scandal?

  1. I’m staying on the Trump Train, but what is the deal with his choices of Attorney General? Maybe he should ask for a recommendation from Adm. Mike Rogers for a good military lawyer. These guys from the swamp aren’t worth the time it takes to confirm them.

  2. So, is our only remedy for the crimes of the Swamp at the polls? That would mean this country is nothing but a game of political seesaw run by mobs. NOT. GOOD. ENOUGH.

    Time to deliver, Mr. President.

  3. I think Trump knows he’ll never get the people he needs to run the DOJ, the FBI etc., so he hires whichever stiff won’t cause the Uniparty to shit themselves. Then he goes and gets the things done that matter.

    He doesn’t need Barr getting out of the easy chair to respond to chickenshit. That would make it seem like Trump takes it seriously.

  4. No honor among thieves….

    The corrupt moronic Dems tossing each other under the bus, plus the latest “see if this sticks to the wall” impeachment charade baloney…is better than watching NASCAR, you just know the wreck is imminent.


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