Did Maxine Waters’ Office Dox Republican senators on Wikipedia? – IOTW Report

Did Maxine Waters’ Office Dox Republican senators on Wikipedia?


There is nothing too low for the left.

Many Republicans on the Senate Judiciary had their home addresses and phone numbers published on their Wikipedia pages Thursday.

Shortly after Lindsey Graham went off on Senate Democrats for destroying Kavanaugh’s life in order to derail his confirmation, Republicans were doxxed.

The victims included Republican Senators Mike Lee, Orrin Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham, reported the Washington Times.

According to Caleb Hull, editor of the Independent Journal Review, the wife of Mr. Hatch “has been receiving calls nonstop ON HER BIRTHDAY and their home address was made public.”

CongressEdits, a bot account that for four years automatically retweets edits to Wikipedia made anonymously from IP addresses associated with the U.S. Congress, said the information was also posted on Mr. Lee and Mr. Graham “from US House of Representatives.”

The article auto-posted screen shots supporting the edits being made and noting the inclusion of private information, a practice known as “doxxing.”

It gets worse…

The private information on the Republican Senators is coming from a computer from the House of Representatives!

Now this…
The IP addresses lead back to a Congressional office.  MORE

16 Comments on Did Maxine Waters’ Office Dox Republican senators on Wikipedia?

  1. Looking forward to the GOP leadership in the House doing a whole lot of jack fucking shit about this because (wring hands) “We don’t wanna appear racist!…” (shit pants).

  2. we’re missing one salient point in these shinanagans … the loss of Kavanaugh’s vote is a loss in the 2nd Amendment debate …. the dimms run this out until November & possibly, take the Senate & they will never take up another Trump nominee.
    everything from there on that goes to the Supremes will be geared to get a 4-4 vote, which upholds the lower court ruling …. immigration, the wall, gun control, illegal voting rights … everything is on the table & controlled by libtard lower court judges
    …take a moment to think about it …

  3. More than 50 tears ago
    Adam Clayton Powell
    was denied being seated in the House of Representatives
    for far less than Maxine Waters
    obscenities and promulgations of
    Why has not Maxine Waters been unseated ?
    Could it be, she’s a smelly DEMOCRAT ?

  4. Maxine is a small Say in the Bush.Obama/Rove UINPARTY. they silently declared war on America 15 years ago. Of course she, as well as GWB’s other girl (1 of many) Lerner should be in jaIl. And since they both are backed by the Bush/Obama “Deep State” they will never be jailed!

    As Kurt has said many times this year – the Bush/Obama forces are at war with Americans, we can either fight or be their serfs! Binary it is!


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